What do you do when you find that a friend has become a racist?

When Jean Calder joined with the supporters of genocide in Gaza to oppose ‘anti-Semitism’, she symbolised the problems of Western feminism Braverman’s dream (& apparently Jean Calder’s) This blog is a follow up to Anita Patel’s Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism. When you’ve been friends with someone for 40 years it comes as a shock…

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Day of Judgement for the International Court of Justice

October 7 Seen in Context  UPDATE Well the decision of the ICJ is now out. It is better than I had hoped for but my prediction that the Court would balk at taking the decisive step of ordering Israel to desist by issuing an injunction has proven correct. The decisiveness of the 15-2 majorities surprised me. On…

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Angelic Israeli Schoolgirls Sing a Song of Annihilation on Israeli TV – How the Memory of the Holocaust is Being Used to Justify Genocide

The Zionists have Reported My Speech to the Demonstration to the Police – There’s Nothing They Would Like Than For Britain to Become Another Israel Heidi Bachram is a ‘journalist’ on the Jewish Chronicle & an informer who monitors what we are saying in the hope that the Police will shut us down and criminalise us –…

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In the ‘Fight Against Terrorism’ the Israeli Army Once Again Attacks Jenin’s Al Tafawk Children’s Centre

 Israel’s Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing Reminds Germans of how the Nazis dealt with ‘terrorism’ – that is why Germany’s neo-Nazis love Israel Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s far-right President of the European Commission Openly Supports Israeli Genocide American Nurse from Doctors Without Borders Last Thursday Israel once again attacked Jenin refugee camp causing massive damage…

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VICTORY – Sharon Graham Does What She Said Was Impossible A Week Ago and Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire

Unite’s Statement on Palestine is Weak – It Does Not Mention Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing – It Equates the Coloniser with the Colonised After having resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire for the last 4 weeks and after 10,000 deaths in Gaza, including 4,000 children Sharon Graham capitulated and issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire.…

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Israel’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

After Killing 500 More Palestinians It’s Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid  State – We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief   How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14.…

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Is Israeli ‘Democracy’ in Crisis?

Can the struggle for ‘Jewish’ Democracy be extended to the Palestinians? Please click here to join https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83352169512 For over 30 weeks, ever since the election of Netanyahu’s far-right coalition last November, Israel has been wracked by massive demonstrations over the judicial reforms. But this has been a strange protest. Organisers have tried to exclude anti-occupation groups because…

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There is only one solution to the Ascendancy of Ben Gvir and Smotrich – an end to a Jewish Supremacist State

Jonathan Freedland’s Inability to Understand Israel’s Present Crisis is Symptomatic of Liberal Zionism’s Refusal to Accept that a Jewish Democratic State is an Oxymoron Whatever the situation and whatever the crisis, Jonathan Freedland can be relied on not to understand it. So it is with his latest essay on [Netanyahu is leading a coup against his own country. But…

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