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Feiglin & Hitler

Tony Greenstein | 14 October 2024

Western Leaders Call Hamas ‘Terrorists’ yet compared to Israel’s rape, torture and child-killing machine, Hamas is the equivalent of a church choir

Hind rajab

Tony Greenstein | 10 October 2024

Sky News conducts an investigation into Israel’s murder of Hind Raja – something the BBC would never dream of


Tony Greenstein | 06 October 2024

The Irony of the Institutionally Racist Metropolitan Police Telling Anti-Zionist Jews What They Can and Cannot Say is Like Harold Shipman Lecturing on Medical Ethics

Flyer - For a Democratic not a Jewish State 8 October 2024

Tony Greenstein | 03 October 2024

Israel was created, not as a rejection but a reflection of Nazism – that’s why there cannot be a 2 State Solution – Lebensraum Drives Israel Every Bit As Much as Nazi Germany

pager attack

Tony Greenstein | 27 September 2024

 The Iranian Regime Has Demonstrated That It Is A Paper Tiger – Its Rhetoric in Inverse Proportion to its Actions

Corbyn antisemite racist JC

Tony Greenstein | 20 September 2024

Like Rats Deserting a Sinking Ship, Freedland, Aaronovitch, Baddiel & Freeman Took Their 30 Pieces of Silver Whilst the JC Celebrated the Slaughter of Gaza’s Children– But when Scandal Broke They Fled

palestine demo 2 15.9.24

Tony Greenstein | 16 September 2024

With their Union Jacks & Israeli Flags the Zionists Resembled the Nazi National Front & English Defence League

Smotrich and starving Palestinians

Tony Greenstein | 10 September 2024

The Only Lesson You Have Drawn From the Holocaust is that Genocide is Fine When Israel Does It


The weaponisation of memory in the service of state and nation

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