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Tony Greenstein | 20 October 2024

 Israel’s assassinations are based on the idea that Palestinians would happily accept their dispossession but for a few evil men

Feiglin & Hitler

Tony Greenstein | 14 October 2024

Western Leaders Call Hamas ‘Terrorists’ yet compared to Israel’s rape, torture and child-killing machine, Hamas is the equivalent of a church choir

Hind rajab

Tony Greenstein | 10 October 2024

Sky News conducts an investigation into Israel’s murder of Hind Raja – something the BBC would never dream of


Tony Greenstein | 06 October 2024

The Irony of the Institutionally Racist Metropolitan Police Telling Anti-Zionist Jews What They Can and Cannot Say is Like Harold Shipman Lecturing on Medical Ethics

Flyer - For a Democratic not a Jewish State 8 October 2024

Tony Greenstein | 03 October 2024

Israel was created, not as a rejection but a reflection of Nazism – that’s why there cannot be a 2 State Solution – Lebensraum Drives Israel Every Bit As Much as Nazi Germany

pager attack

Tony Greenstein | 27 September 2024

 The Iranian Regime Has Demonstrated That It Is A Paper Tiger – Its Rhetoric in Inverse Proportion to its Actions

Corbyn antisemite racist JC

Tony Greenstein | 20 September 2024

Like Rats Deserting a Sinking Ship, Freedland, Aaronovitch, Baddiel & Freeman Took Their 30 Pieces of Silver Whilst the JC Celebrated the Slaughter of Gaza’s Children– But when Scandal Broke They Fled

palestine demo 2 15.9.24

Tony Greenstein | 16 September 2024

With their Union Jacks & Israeli Flags the Zionists Resembled the Nazi National Front & English Defence League


The weaponisation of memory in the service of state and nation

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