What do you do when you find that a friend has become a racist?

When Jean Calder joined with the supporters of genocide in Gaza to oppose ‘anti-Semitism’, she symbolised the problems of Western feminism Braverman’s dream (& apparently Jean Calder’s) This blog is a follow up to Anita Patel’s Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism. When you’ve been friends with someone for 40 years it comes as a shock…

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Open Letter to Jonathan Freedland – Why are you Publishing Fake Atrocity Propaganda when Israel is Committing Very Real Atrocities?

Your Weaponisation of Hamas ‘Rape’ is No Different to how White Supremacists Behaved or the Nazi Portrayal of Jews as Sexual Predators Instead of the Holocaust Being A Warning as to Where Racism Leads You’ve Turned it into a Justification for Genocide My Plea to Guardian Readers – Don’t Subsidise this pro-Imperialist War Paper Debunking Israel’s “mass…

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VICTORY – Sharon Graham Does What She Said Was Impossible A Week Ago and Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire

Unite’s Statement on Palestine is Weak – It Does Not Mention Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing – It Equates the Coloniser with the Colonised After having resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire for the last 4 weeks and after 10,000 deaths in Gaza, including 4,000 children Sharon Graham capitulated and issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire.…

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Having Told the Truth About Israel , the BBC Promptly Apologised – Presenter Anjana Gadgil had said that ‘Israel is Happy to Kill Palestinian Children’

Israel’s Army Killed 4 Children and Wrecked the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Jenin – All in ‘Self Defence’ Al Jazeera Film on Israel’s Propaganda War In May 2021, as the world’s eyes were on Israel’s attack on Gaza, Israeli soldiers wrecked the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Jenin. They even took the time and trouble to…

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Is Rachel Reeves the Most Despicable Politician in Britain Today?

Reeves Combines Zionism, Racism, Admiration for a Hitler Loving Anti-Semite & Hostility to the Disabled & Claimants – a Bigot for All Seasons https://www.youtube.com/embed/BZ6EGz_7rB8 Sturmer pays tribute to Jeremy Corbyn Trying to find the most despicable politician in Britain today is no easy matter. The competition is strong. The Tories have no end of good…

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Xmas Appeal for Jenin’s Al Tafawk Children’s Centre

 18 Months Ago, During the Bombing Of Gaza, Israel’s Military Destroyed the Centre. They Even Tore Up Children’s Books Please donate to our Xmas Fundraiser https://gofund.me/c73095a6 In May 2021, whilst Israel was bombing Gaza and killing another 60 children the Israeli ‘Defence’ Forces were busy at work in Jenin. Having nothing better to do they raided the…

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