Open Letter to Jonathan Freedland – Why are you Publishing Fake Atrocity Propaganda when Israel is Committing Very Real Atrocities?

Your Weaponisation of Hamas ‘Rape’ is No Different to how White Supremacists Behaved or the Nazi Portrayal of Jews as Sexual Predators Instead of the Holocaust Being A Warning as to Where Racism Leads You’ve Turned it into a Justification for Genocide My Plea to Guardian Readers – Don’t Subsidise this pro-Imperialist War Paper Debunking Israel’s “mass…

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Stop The Genocide – Stop The Ethnic Cleansing – Stop The Weaponisation Of The Holocaust

Israelis May Fool Themselves Into Thinking They are Fighting Nazis But What They Are Really Fighting is the Victims of Today’s Nazis Please register Nothing was more obscene than the declaration of Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s London Ambassador, that ‘we are fighting the Nazis’. She declared that 600,000 Germans died when Britain bombed Dresden and Hamburg implying that…

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Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies

 The Conversation Between 2 Hamas Members that Israel Posted are Fake & Digitally Manipulated – the Missile Came From the East not West Al Jazeera Investigation in Israel’s Bombing of the Al Ahli Hospital Was the Gaza hospital attack caused by a failed rocket launch? | Bird’s Eye View Channel 4 News tonight broadcast the first…

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Israel’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

After Killing 500 More Palestinians It’s Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid  State – We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief   How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14.…

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In the Face of Fierce Competition ‘Lord’ John Mann Has Won the Award for Most Dishonest Politician of the Year – Again

 Mann combines Opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ with Virulent Racism against Gypsies, Black and Muslim People Loudmouth Mann confronts Ken Livingstone I have covered John Mann before when he lied about and harassed a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt. In July 2019 John Mann was appointed by Theresa May as her advisor on ‘anti-Semitism’. In September Mann was made ‘anti-Semitism…

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Reminder Book Launch tomorrow (13 November 5pm)

Please register below A Short Quiz: 1.     Was Ken Livingstone a ‘Nazi apologist’ (John Mann) when he said that Hitler and the Nazis supported Zionism? 2.     Who was it who said that Palestine was an ‘Institute for the fumigation of Jewish vermin’? 3.     Which leading Zionist spoke of ‘their common toleration of Nazism’ 4.     Which…

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An Occasional Letter to an Old Friend, Sir Keith Stürmer QC

An Occasional Letter to an Old Friend, Sir Keith Stürmer QC Congratulations. Even Boris Couldn’t Match Your Chutzpah  I have known Sir Keith Stürmer ever since I was at law school. So you can imagine how I felt when he was the first MP to welcome my expulsion 4 years ago with a one word tweet ‘good’. Keith was never…

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