Momentum’s Refusal to Support Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi for Labour’s NEC was Not About Trans-rights but Zionism & Palestinian Rights

 If the Labour Left is to have any future it must first strangle Lansman’s Bastard Offspring If there is one group, above all others, which bears responsibility for the defeat of the Corbyn project it is Momentum.  As the Al Jazeera programme, The Labour Files Parts 1, 2 and 3, make clear the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ in the Labour Party was entirely bogus,…

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More Fake Anti-Semitism – The Latest Victim is Labour’s Pete Willsman

Meanwhile Barnett’s Fascist Councillor Brian Gordon Proposes Banning Organisations Supporting a Boycott of Israel – Naturally! UPDATE I understand that Momentum’s Caudillo and Owner, Jon Lansman, has removed Pete Willsman from Momentum’s JC9 slate. It is claimed that this was done by Momentum’s undemocratic ruling body, the National Coordination Group, but it is unlikely that…

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If Corbyn Doesn’t Slay the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Dragon It Will Slay Him

By refusing to confront the Israeli State’s representatives in Labour, Corbyn is Building his own Funeral Pyre “What started organically, therefore, morphed into a planned campaign to create a coalition of mostly Jewish activist academics, pro-Israel and national representative bodies in the Jewish Diaspora, and the aforementioned major American Jewish organizations to take the discussions…

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Jewdas or Judas? – Who’s Betraying Whom?

Keeping it in the family – Jewdas Rebellion Doesn’t Extend to Palestine or ‘Anti-semitism’ To Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies (or Bored of Deputies) Jewdas are a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. Arkush and his fellow Zionists cannot be considered politically as of sound mind if they really believe this.  Zionism does terrible things…

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Jeremy Corbyn throws Marc Wadsworth overboard in a desperate attempt to save his leadership

Sacrificing a Black anti-racist for criticising White Zionist MP Ruth Smeeth will INCREASE anti-Semitism & STRENGTHEN the anti-Corbyn Right Watching the uncritical acceptance by Corbyn’s office of the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth is like watching someone slowly committing suicide oblivious to all offers of help.  The inability of Corbyn to confront the pro-Israel lobby, which…

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If Momentum expels me today they will be joining the false anti-Semitism campaign whose target is Corbyn

Momentum can either endorse McNicol’s racist witchhunt or declare zero tolerance of the false anti-Semitism campaign Two weeks ago the two Jonathans – Arkush and Goldstein – of the Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council, wrote an insulting and openly contemptuous letter to Jeremy Corbyn.  It was written in the wake of the latest…

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Corbyn Should Refuse to Meet Jonathan Arkush and the Board of Deputies as and until they take anti-Semitism seriously!

The Demands of Arkush on Corbyn would reduce Labour to little more than prisoner status After the Jewdas Debacle the Board of Deputies of British Jews Drop Their ‘Preconditions’ for a Meeting The most recent wave of false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaigns began with the thinnest of pretexts.  A six year old mural, long erased, that Luciana…

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