Tony Greenstein | 01 August 2018 | Post Views:

Meanwhile Barnett’s Fascist Councillor Brian Gordon Proposes Banning
Organisations Supporting a Boycott of Israel – Naturally!


I understand that Momentum’s Caudillo and Owner, Jon Lansman, has removed Pete Willsman from Momentum’s JC9 slate. It is claimed that this was done by Momentum’s undemocratic ruling body, the National Coordination Group, but it is unlikely that this group has met.

This is an act of treachery of the first order as it is therefore allowing Luke Akehurst or a member of the anti-Corbyn Right to gain a place on the NEC.  One can only hope that enough people have already voted and enough people will ignore Momentum’s dictator that Pete will retain his seat.  Either way it is an act of scabbing by Lansman.

Hardly a
day goes by without another sacrificial lamb being offered up to the Zionist lobby
in the Labour Party. Today it was Pete Willsman, a veteran socialist. Peter had
made an angry speech at Labour’s National Executive Committee asking members
where was this anti-Semitism that everyone speaks about, a reasonable question,
and this was enough for that Israel’s main operative in the Labour Party,
Luciana Berger, Chair of the racist Jewish Labour Movement to demand his

If you had any doubts about what Pete Willsman said then this should dispel them

And sure
enough, Jon Lansman and his friends in Momentum, always speaking anonymously of
course, immediately dissociated themselves from Pete and threatened to take him
off the left slate (though that may be too late unless they want to let a right-winger
get elected). The Guardian reported
that ‘Momentum activists also suggested
Willsman should be removed from their leftwing slate
’, which would
effectively destroy his chances of being voted back on to the NEC.
A spineless and shallow entity
Owen Jones, who has every quality of a dog except loyalty, was first
off the starting block
‘“I’ll proudly vote for the
other eight excellent Labour left candidates. I won’t vote for someone who
undermines the struggle against the disgusting disease of anti-Semitism.”
The idea
that anti-Semitism is a ‘disease’ is
itself a racist concept. It implies that anti-Jewish racism isn’t caused by the
society we live in but is a racial pathology. 
It is on a par with the rest of this vacuum head’s outpourings.
Owen Jones defence is that other nonentities like himself support the removal of Willsman
listened to what Pete said there is nothing
in it that is remotely anti-Semitic. He said ‘some of these people in the Jewish community support Trump.’  What is anti-Semitic about that?  What he should have said is that the
arch-witchhunters in the right-wing Board of Deputies, including its former
President Jonathan Arkush welcomed the election of Trump.  Marie van der Zyle, the current President,
who is to the right of Arkush, was amongst those defending Arkush.
The Jewish
Chronicle reported
that on the Board of Deputies website Arkush said that “I would like to congratulate
Donald Trump on his victory.”
I can’t remember the detestable Luciana, or
the Blessed Margaret Hodge or Liar Smeeth protesting. After all they were
chasing ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party. Arkush continued:
“After a
divisive campaign, I hope that Mr Trump will move to build bridges and ensure
that America’s standing as a beacon of progress, tolerance and free-thinking
remains strong.”  
Trump came
to power after the
most anti-Semitic Presidential election campaign
in history where
anti-semitic messages and dog whistles became the norm.  But none of this upset our Zionists for whom
the only anti-Semitism that counts is opposition to Zionism.
Zionists support Trump because his white supremacism chimes with Zionism – hence why is 100% pro Zionist
And of course not only the President of the Board of Deputies but the
Leader of the Israeli Labour Party, which is the sister party of the Jewish
Labour Movement also welcomed the election of Trump.  Isaac Herzog issued a statement “Warm
congratulations to the president of the most powerful nation in the world:
Donald J Trump!”
Israeli Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog, wrote on his
Facebook.’ Herzog
to Trump: Your win shows elites are thing of past
So Pete Willsman was absolutely correct. Berger and the rest of Labour’s
racist Zionist MPs have nothing to say about Apartheid Israel because their
whole purpose is a defence of the US’s racist Rottweiler in the Middle East.

Lest anyone forget the real target of the false antisemitism campaign is Corbyn himself – those who promote it like Owen Jones are helping the campaign to get rid of Corbyn

Willsman also said that ‘we should
ask the 70 rabbis where is your evidence of severe and widespread anti-Semitism’
in the Labour Party.  Of course they
have none but and here’s the trick.  In
asking for evidence, indeed even referring to the fact that there is none, Pete
Willsman is guilty of, wait for it, ‘anti-Semitism’.  Because anti-Semitism is anything that
displeases Berger, Smeeth and Hodge who are all ‘victims’ by their own
reckoning. These privileged daughters of Zionism, who spend their waking time
defending Israel, don’t hesitate to accuse anyone who doubts the existence of anti-Semitism
of being anti-Semitic. Willsman compounded his offence by asking ‘How many people in this room have seen anti-Semitism?’  Apparently two did!  But surely Pete must know that saying that
the Emperor has no clothes is in itself an act of Lèse
The phrase ‘dustbin of the world’ suggests immigrants are rubbish – Gordon is a member of the Zionist Herut group
Meanwhile a genuine 24 carat racist, Councillor Brian Gordon of Barnet Council
has also got into the act.  He is
proposing a motion to the Council which would ban premises to any organisation
that supporters a Boycott of Israel.  As
we have been saying all along, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is a threat
to free speech and the right to dissent.
At least Brian Gordon is consistent. 
A member of Herut he was a member of the far-Right Tory Monday Club
which proposed the repatriation of British Blacks. When he lost a seat to
Labour many years ago he bemoaned
the fact that the racist vote was split between the Conservatives and the
National Front and suggested that in the future the nationalist parties should
This racist clown blacking up in traditional style
However no can deny that this far-Right loon has a sense of humour.  When Purim came around he dressed up as
Nelson Mandela, to the extent of blacking himself up in the tradition of the
Black and White Minstrel show that many of us grew up with.  A good article Gordon
Bennet, he’s your councillor?
by the late Charley Pottins describes this
racist clown.
I also seem to remember that after this election defeat, which must have been
in the 1970’s, Gordon was caught at election night in a huddle with the NF
So it is really no surprise that Brian Gordon is proposing a motion
effectively outlawing organisations that support Boycott Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The motion cites the International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism as a justification. The
IHRA as people will know is a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ that conflates anti-Semitism
and anti-Zionism.
This is of course  entirely
understandable. Gordon, who was a supporter of Apartheid in South Africa and an
opponent of a Boycott of that country when White Supremacy ruled is hardly
likely to support a Boycott of Israel given that it is a state of Jewish supremacy.   See What’s
the matter with Barnet?

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Tony Greenstein

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