BBC Panorama Could Have Shown How Israel’s Main Purpose in Gaza is Ethnic Cleansing Instead It Decided to ‘Expose’ British Muslims Support for Hamas!

Instead of a Documentary on the Bombing of Every Hospital &University in Gaza the BBC Employed Islamaphobe John Ware as its Witchfinder General You might think that at a time of genocide in Gaza Panorama might devote a programme to exposing Israeli lies about October 7 or how ethnic cleansing, not defeating Hamas, is the…

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This Wednesday 6 September the Shenstone 4 will be sentenced

If the repeated delays in sentencing have been unfair  on the Defendants think how much worse it has been for Jonathan Hoffman, the friend of every fascist and neo-Nazi supporter of Israel! Join the Protest Outside Wolverhampton Crown Court Wednesday 6 September 9.00 a.m. Palestine Action in action As you will know from my many…

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Book Review: Asa Winstanley’s Weaponising Anti-Semitism – How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn

How the Labour Right, the BBC, the Israel lobby & the Establishment Destabilised a Political Party How they brought down Jeremy Corbyn It speaks volumes that Asa Winstanley could not find a British publisher, not even Pluto Press or Verso Books, willing to publish the definitive account of how ‘anti-Semitism’ was weaponised to remove the only socialist leader the…

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After two years waiting I shall be on trial for the ‘crime’ of trying to prevent Elbit System’s continuing commission of war crimes

GMB 3 Pickets Acquitted in Brighton Magistrates Court What is the Meaning of the Massive Opposition in Israel to Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Plans? John Ware Accuses Me of Being Disagreeable! Those of you with long memories may recall that in the early hours of Tuesday 9 March I was arrested with 5 supporters of Palestine Action whilst…

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The Media Blackout on Al Jazeera’s Labour Files Says Everything About Britain’s ‘free press’

The Labour Files is Janus Faced – its revelations about Starmer’s Police State of a Party contradict the lie that Labour had an anti-Semitism problem The Labour Files – Part 1:The Purge The Labour Files – Part 2: The Crisis The Labour Files – Part 3: The Hierarchy The Labour Files – Part 4: The Spying Game Introduction to the…

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Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians

Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians  The Contrast Between the BBC’s Treatment of Russia’s Banning of Memorial Whilst Ignoring Israel’s Banning of Six Palestinian Human Rights Groups is Striking I was watching the midnight edition of BBC News 24. The top story was…

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