Posts Tagged ‘Harry’s Place’
The Desperate Dishonesty of the Zionists at Harry’s Place
‘Anti-Semitism’ trumps Collier’s Far-Rights links Times have not been good to the cold war site, Harry’s Place. Having supported every war in the Middle East they have bathed in the Islamaphobic afterglow. HP is a place where any racist and any warmonger can take part with pride, just as long as they support…
Read MoreFeminist silence over Ahed Tamimi exposes the racist consensus at the heart of western feminism
Please contribute to our libel fund! Let’s End Zionist Political Terrorism & the libel that support for Palestine and anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism – Support our Crowdfunding Appeal Show trial and gaol looms for 16 year old Palestinian girl for defending herself UPDATE In the 10+ years that this blog has existed I’ve posted over 2,200…
Read MoreLabour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt lets the cat out of the Bag
Calling for the Deselection of an MP is now a Disciplinary Offence Obtaining the reasons for my suspension from the Labour Party has been like drawing teeth . Although they have been happy to leak information to the Tory press, Labour’s witch hunters have been less keen to inform me what it is I have been…
Read MoreCommentary on recent events in Egypt and Atzmon
On 13th May I wrote that I would not be continuing to blog for health reasons but the temptation sometimes to comment on current events is too great! I explained that the blog was originally set up to combat the influence of Gilad Atzmon and in that it had succeeded, much to the annoyance of…
Read MoreTime to say Goodbye
As Anti-semitism in the Palestine Solidarity Movement has all but vanished the purpose of this blog has become redundant Over the past 3 months, posts have become rare on this site. Other commitments have compounded this problem. When the Blog started in January 2008 Gilad Atzmon, supported by the Zionists, was running wild over the…
Read MoreJonathan Hoffman’s Lies in the Hackney Citizen
Hoffman Threatens to Sue for Libel about matters for which he has already apologised! The photo which captured Jonathan Hoffman demonstrating alongside Roberta Moore, leader of the Jewish section of the EDL and member of the neo-Nazi Kach Party. The EDL is in the background and again there is no objection. In the 29th November…
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