Abram Leon, 26, leader of Hashomer Hatzair and then the Fourth International in Belgium, was Murdered in Auschwitz

Leon Explained in The Jewish Question – A Marxist Interpretation Why Anti-Semitism Arose and Where it Came From As readers of my book will know, during the Second World War the Zionist movement was a Quisling movement that collaborated with the Nazis and went out of its way to obstruct rescue of Jewish refugees whose destination wasn’t…

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EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama

EXCLUSIVE: We name the lecturer responsible for the allegations that led to the suspension of Shahd Abusalama TOTAL Victory for Shahd – Now let’s Scrap the IHRA Whose Only Purpose is to Chill Free Speech on Palestine Register for the meeting here https://tinyurl.com/9v9cv5uh UPDATE: I want to make it clear that although the allegations against Shahd…

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Open Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, Professor Christopher Husbands

Open Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, Professor Christopher Husbands Shahd Abusalama is Another Academic to Have Fallen Foul of Zionism’s McCarthyist Lobby To:       [email protected] Dear Professor Husbands, On January 21 Shahd Abusalama, a PhD student, was suspended by Sheffield Hallam University on the eve of teaching her first class. Shahd has been subject…

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Zionism as a master-race ideology

Zionist Invention of Iran Threat – An Interview with Prof. Yakov Rabkin This is an important interview with Professor Yakov Rabkin that is well worth reading.  According to Wikipedia  ‘Yakov M. Rabkin is a professor of history at the Université de Montréal, author and public intellectual. His book A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to…

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Labour MEPs Join With UKIP, the Front National and assorted Racists and Fascists in opposition to ‘Anti-Semitism’

Open Letter to New Labour’s Anneliese Dodds MEP Does Europe’s Far-Right really opposes racism? In Israel – relationships between Arabs and Jews are condemned by all Zionist parties  It’s not a good idea to underestimate the stupidity of Labour MEPs and what passes for social democracy these days.  However the decision to support the bogus International…

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Israel’s Kasztner Trial – The Collaboration with the Nazis that still haunts Zionism

Review of Paul Bogdanor’s ‘Kasztner’s crimes – Tony Greenstein Below is the unedited version of my review of Paul Bogdanor’s Kasztner’s Crimes which appears in the current issue of the Weekly Worker.  I have included a section on the Haganah paratroopers, in particular Hannah Szenes, which was left out of the version published in Weekly Worker for reasons…

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