Posts Tagged ‘Daily Mail’
An old fashioned morality tale on London’s Tube – how a racist thug was floored by a single punch
From New York to New Zealand the news of Billy Steele’s knock-out punch spread It’s not often that we have a good news story with a happy ending. In this case it was racist boor and son of wealthy builders, who taunted 3 Black youth telling them to ‘go back home’. What was heartening is…
Read MoreThe Masters of War and Corbyn’s Failure to deal with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the poison of the Ruth Smeeths
The Masters of War and Corbyn’s Failure to deal with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the poison of the Ruth Smeeths The Self-Pitying Whine of the Jewish Chronicle’s Stephen Pollard is in contrast to his contempt for others Wednesday April 1stThe Editor,The Jewish Chronicle28 St. Albans LaneLondon NW11 [email protected] Dear Editor, Strange as it may seem, I just…
Read MoreThe Mail Online’s Lies about what Ken Livingstone said is Symptomatic of the Whole Fake Anti-Semitism Campaign
Livingstone Described How Others had said He Hated Jews – The Mail Reported him as saying he hated Jews!! Last Monday Ken Livingstone spoke at a Labour Against the Witchhunt meeting in London with Jackie Walker and Graham Bash. This was prior to Jackie’s expulsion hearing the next day. What Livingstone said was extremely clear.…
Read MoreThe Disappearance of Investigative and Critical Journalism – The Guardian’s ‘Slow Witted Viciousness’
From ‘Anti-Semitism’ to Economics – Good Journalists are being replaced by Precocious Windbags & Puffed-up Pundits You don’t hear too much of John Pilger in the media these days. There was a time when his films, on the Ethiopian famine or Year Zero about Pol Pot’s Cambodia or Death of a Nation on the genocidal…
Read MoreFocus on Fascism – More News from Tommy Robinson’s Zionist Supporters & Reactions to My Revelations
Jonathan Hoffman Loses What Little Self Control He Possesses at In Minds Demonstration and Attacks Protestors Update Klaff and Shitrit weren’t beaten up because they were Jewish but because they were stopping residents’ kids getting to sleep!! Klaff and Shitrit with fellow racist – Eric Pickles The mystery of the ‘attack’ on Sharon Klaff has…
Read MoreIf Anyone Resembles Enoch Powell it’s Rabbi Sacks NOT Jeremy Corbyn
In 2017 Rabbi Sacks marched with thousands of settler racists through Arab East Jerusalem chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’ The Daily Mail in its pro-Hitler days warns against Jewish refugees entering ‘through the back door’ In an interview with the New Statesman, the house journal of the Labour Right and the anti-Corbyn campaign, former Chief…
Read MoreBanned by Amnesty International for Harassment – How the BBC turned Zionist Thug Richard Millett from a Zero into a Hero
Without a trace of shame – The Times, which refused to criticise Hitler, calls for Corbyn’s Resignation for ‘anti-Semitism’! A Summary of Corbyn’s Anti-semitic Attack on Zionist Thug Richard Millett “– Did you hear that Jeremy Corbyn, in a speech in 2013, said that British Jews weren’t really British even if they were born there?…
Read MoreIf Momentum is to serve any further purpose Lansman has to depart
Jon Lansman Waves the White Flag of Surrender on Radio 4’s Today Program One reaction to the ‘revelations’ that Corbyn meets Jews The full malevolence as well as the pathetic ignorance of the fake news ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was on display in all its glory with the uproar over Jeremy Corbyn’s attendance at a Passover seder…
Read MoreMore Fake News – The Myth of Increasing Anti-semitism
All the evidence is that anti-Semitism is at a historic low in Britain The Pew Research Centre’s survey of racism in Europe – anti-semitism is low down on the list Every year, in fact twice a year, the Community Security Trust, a Zionist charity, publishes a Report on Anti-Semitic Incidents. Every year, regardless of the…
Read MoreThe Zionist Attack on Tom Suarez – Its Time to Defend Free Speech on Palestine and Israel
Tom Suarez has produced an important book on the bloody and terrorist origins of the Israeli state. It is for this reason and no other that Zionist organisations in this country – primarily the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the so-called Campaign Against Anti-Semitism have been waging a campaign to prevent halls from…
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