Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain Justifying Zionism’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative?

At a time of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza the Communist Party of Britain is Holding a Seminar ‘Understanding Anti-Semitism’s ‘Contested’ Relationship to Anti-Zionism’ [This article also appears in this week’s Weekly Worker as Distracting from genocide] ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been the weapon that Zionism has deployed to defend genocide in Gaza. It is not…

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What do you do when you find that a friend has become a racist?

When Jean Calder joined with the supporters of genocide in Gaza to oppose ‘anti-Semitism’, she symbolised the problems of Western feminism Braverman’s dream (& apparently Jean Calder’s) This blog is a follow up to Anita Patel’s Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism. When you’ve been friends with someone for 40 years it comes as a shock…

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Bristol University has just been found to have unfairly dismissed Professor David Miller – Yet Palestine Solidarity Campaign REFUSED to support him

We Need a New Palestine Solidarity Organisation since PSC is neither Democratic, Anti-Zionist or Politically Coherent In 1982, just before Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, Operation Peace for Galilee, a group of about 15 of us decided, at a meeting held at the University of London Union, to form Palestine Solidarity Campaign. PSC then was anti-Zionist calling for a…

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The Guardian/Observer Opposes a Ceasefire in Gaza Using the Holocaust as an Excuse for Genocide – Never Again’ Has Become a License to Massacre and Ethnically Cleanse

According to Howard Jacobson’s Twisted Logic It is Anti-Semitic To Accuse Israel Of Genocide Since It’s a Jewish State! Stage Time is Stage Time – Speech from Jewish Comedian Matt Lieb at anti-war protest Los Angeles On 2 March 1988 Yehuda Elkana, the former President and Rector of the Central European University in Budapest and a…

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