Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain Justifying Zionism’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative?

At a time of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza the Communist Party of Britain is Holding a Seminar ‘Understanding Anti-Semitism’s ‘Contested’ Relationship to Anti-Zionism’ [This article also appears in this week’s Weekly Worker as Distracting from genocide] ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been the weapon that Zionism has deployed to defend genocide in Gaza. It is not…

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Open Letter to Jonathan Freedland – Why are you Publishing Fake Atrocity Propaganda when Israel is Committing Very Real Atrocities?

Your Weaponisation of Hamas ‘Rape’ is No Different to how White Supremacists Behaved or the Nazi Portrayal of Jews as Sexual Predators Instead of the Holocaust Being A Warning as to Where Racism Leads You’ve Turned it into a Justification for Genocide My Plea to Guardian Readers – Don’t Subsidise this pro-Imperialist War Paper Debunking Israel’s “mass…

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Stop The Genocide – Stop The Ethnic Cleansing – Stop The Weaponisation Of The Holocaust

Israelis May Fool Themselves Into Thinking They are Fighting Nazis But What They Are Really Fighting is the Victims of Today’s Nazis Please register https://tinyurl.com/5b4uujyx Nothing was more obscene than the declaration of Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s London Ambassador, that ‘we are fighting the Nazis’. She declared that 600,000 Germans died when Britain bombed Dresden and Hamburg implying that…

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Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism

Radical feminism gives cover to Israel’s brutal colonial oppression Guest post by Anita Patel  Introduction This is a guest post by Anita Patel. It describes the inability of British and Western Feminism to come to terms with imperialist violence and Israeli settler colonialism. Western feminism has been co-opted into supporting imperialism and Islamaphobia in particular. Radical…

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Monster Brighton and Hove Palestine Demonstration Demands ‘Stop Bombing Gaza’ and ‘Ceasefire Now’

Not One Brighton and Hove Labour Councillor nor Hove MP Peter Kyle Will Call for a Halt to the Genocide Brighton & Hove Palestine Demonstration – Excerpts Yesterday the largest ever Palestine Solidarity Demonstration took place in Brighton and Hove.   Over 3,000 people marched to a warm reception from passing cars and locals. You can hear…

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VICTORY – Sharon Graham Does What She Said Was Impossible A Week Ago and Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire

Unite’s Statement on Palestine is Weak – It Does Not Mention Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing – It Equates the Coloniser with the Colonised After having resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire for the last 4 weeks and after 10,000 deaths in Gaza, including 4,000 children Sharon Graham capitulated and issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire.…

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Israel’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

After Killing 500 More Palestinians It’s Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid  State – We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief   How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14.…

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Yoav Gallant’s Statement that Palestinians are ‘Human Animals’ Echoes Hitler’s Description of Jews as ‘Human Cattle’

The Palestinian Uprising has Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility – Neither Hamas Nor Hezbollah are Terrorists –Israel Alone Deserves That Label Register here https://tinyurl.com/2s43ddzf Varoufakis statement on Gaza Uprising I will be speaking this Wednesday at a meeting on the Gaza-Ghetto Uprising and the significance of the attack by the Palestinian resistance on Israel. What…

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After two years waiting I shall be on trial for the ‘crime’ of trying to prevent Elbit System’s continuing commission of war crimes

GMB 3 Pickets Acquitted in Brighton Magistrates Court What is the Meaning of the Massive Opposition in Israel to Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Plans? John Ware Accuses Me of Being Disagreeable! Those of you with long memories may recall that in the early hours of Tuesday 9 March I was arrested with 5 supporters of Palestine Action whilst…

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Kristallnacht in Hawara – The Israeli Army and Settlers Join Forces in a Pogrom

Smotrich’s call to ‘wipe out’ Hawara is reminiscent of the SS Generals who Wiped Out Lidice & Oradour-sur-Glane Those who cavil at the comparison between the attack on Huwara on 27 February and Kristallnacht, should read the remarks of Bezalel Smotrich, the Finance and Defence Minister in charge of the Civil Administration in the West Bank with his call to wipe…

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