Posts Tagged ‘Yarmouk refugee camp’
If only there was oil under Yarmouk
The Tragedy of Yarmouk The videos (below) are heart breaking. The Palestinians in Yarmouk are besieged on all sides – by the butchers of ISIS and Al Nusra, ably supported by Israel, and bombed from the air by Assad. Tony Greenstein As Palestinians are being murdered and starving to death in the refugee camp…
Read MoreSyria’s Torture and Murder of Its Palestinians
Hundreds of Palestinians Have ‘Disappeared’ at the Hands of Assad’s Secret Police Thugs Ali Al Shihabi Most supporters of the Palestinians and anti-imperialists support Syria against its Islamic opponents, Al Nusra and ISIS and oppose imperialist attempts to intervene in the civil war. But there is a danger that in defending the Syrian regime and…
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