Posts Tagged ‘Viktor Orban’
On Both Sides of the Witch-hunt – The Alliance for Workers Liberty’s Political Schizophrenia
It is not anti-Semitic to quote the mutual praise of Nazis and Zionists – just truthful A member of the Hitler youth expressing his joy at the attacks on Jews and in Israel a small girl writing a message on a missile destined for the people of Gaza If there is one thing that the…
Read MoreSaying the unsayable about Zionist Support for the 1935 Nuremberg Laws & Nazi favouritism of German Zionism
It might be true but it’s anti-Semitic to say it! Hitler in his famous ‘Prophecy’ speech promising the annihilation of the Jewish people, spoke about the Jews having the last laugh The relationship between the Zionist movement and the Nazis is something I’ve always taken a keen interest in. Not because I wish to dwell…
Read MoreThe false ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations at Labour Conference have one purpose only – to destabilise Corbyn’s leadership
One Lie Too Many – Warren Morgan, Brighton’s Council leader should be expelled for falsely alleging that supporters of the Palestinians & FSOI are holocaust deniers When it comes to lying, Cllr. Warren Morgan has form The Zionists must be getting desperate when they have to resort to blatant lies about holocaust denial at a…
Read MoreCorbyn Must Defend Chris Williamson MP Against False Accusations of Anti-Semitism
Telling the Truth about how the Zionist lobby has weaponised anti-Semitism is no offence Even The Sun is opposed to ‘antiSemitism’ The Jewish Labour Movement and the Zionist lobby have got their teeth into another anti-racist. Having politically lynched Jackie Walker last year and demonised Ken Livingstone this year they are now targeting Chris Williamson,…
Read MoreHow do you tell if someone is a Nazi?
Answer – It Depends on their Attitude to Israel It must be very difficult for Zionists these days. Netanyahu goes off to greet Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is busy rehabilitating the former pro-Nazi leader of Hungary, Admiral Miklos Horthy, who presided over the deportation of nearly 1/2m Jew to Auschwitz. The loss of…
Read MoreNetanyahu & Israel have no criticism of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s rehabilitation of pro-Nazi leader Admiral Horthy
This is what the Zionists used to mean when they talked of Israel being a ‘light unto the nations’ When it comes to real, genuine anti-Semitism the Zionist leaders and Zionist movement has no problem at all. After all they agree with each other. Jews don’t belong in non-Jewish society. The ‘real’ home of Jews…
Read MoreWhy Israel and Zionism’s Leaders Supports Viktor Orban’s Anti-Semitic Campaign Against George Soros
Zionism has no objection to Orban Rehabilitating Hungary’s War-time pro-Nazi leader Miklos Horthy The Main Enemy is Israel’s human rights groups Admiral Horthy and Hitler In March 1989, in an article ‘Zionism and anti-Semitism’ [Return 1] I wrote, in respect of Israel’s warm relations with the neo-Nazi Junta in Argentina, which had tortured and murdered up…
Read MoreOpen Letter to SNP MPs – Why do you join hands with the bigots of the DUP in support of Israel, the world’s most racist state?
SNP MPs sign John Mann’s EDM defining support for the Palestinians as ‘anti-Semitism’ The SNP’s new flag When I first went youth hostelling in the Scottish Highlands I got talking to a man in my dorm who was wearing a kilt. I asked him if he was a supporter of the Scottish National Party. ‘Och…
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