Open Letter to the BBC’s Director General – Tim Davie – Why I Shall Not Be Paying My TV Licence & Why You Should Not Pay Yours

 What the BBC Means By Impartiality is NOT Broadcasting South Africa’s Case for Genocide But instead Broadcasting Israel’s Defence! Pilger on BBC [email protected]  Dear Mr Davie, On 11 January the International Court of Justice heard South Africa’s application that ‘acts and omissions by Israel . . . are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific…

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The Standing Ovation Given by Canada’s Parliament to a Veteran of the Waffen SS Galicia Division was No Accident – It Came From Supporting Today’s neo-Nazis in Ukraine

SPECIAL OFFER – Free Copy of ‘Fighting Fascism in Brighton’ for the next 25 People Who Purchase Zionism During the Holocaust Review in Brighton & Hove Argus 15.3.12. I will give the  next 25 purchasers of my book Zionism During the Holocaust a free copy of my first book, ‘Fighting Fascism in Brighton and the South Coast’. Buying Zionism During the Holocaust directly from me…

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Sharon Graham & Gary Smith – War Whores and Zionists Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis As the Slaughter Continues

 The TUC Decision to Support NATO’s Proxy War in the Ukraine is Shameful but Not Surprising Given Its Record of Subservience to the British State It is no surprise that Gary Smith of the institutionally sexist and racist GMB and an avid Zionist, has backed NATO’s neo-Nazi allies in Ukraine. The fact that Zelensky has approved laws stripping workers…

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It’s not Corbyn but Starmer’s Cynical Use of Jews to Attack the Left that is Anti-Semitic

The Labour Left Will Never Recover Until It Understands That ‘Anti-Semitism’ Was a Lie Designed by Racists to Defeat Anti-Racists Keir Starmer’s ‘patriotism’ is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Corbyn must declare his candidacy now Last Tuesday in that good socialist newspaper The Times Keir Starmer declared war on what’s left of the Labour Left,…

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