An Open Letter to Stephen Fry whose ‘Alternative’ Xmas Message on ‘Antisemitism’ Flew in the Face of Everything He Once Stood For

Fry’s Message Was an Embrace of the British Establishment’s Support for Genocide in Gaza under the Pretext of Opposition to Antisemitism Stephen Fry’s Xmas Message on Behalf of the British Establishment Dear Stephen, As you are all too aware, ‘anti-Semitism’ is the standard defence, the only defence, that Israel has for its genocide and sadism…

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In the ‘Fight Against Terrorism’ the Israeli Army Once Again Attacks Jenin’s Al Tafawk Children’s Centre

 Israel’s Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing Reminds Germans of how the Nazis dealt with ‘terrorism’ – that is why Germany’s neo-Nazis love Israel Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s far-right President of the European Commission Openly Supports Israeli Genocide American Nurse from Doctors Without Borders Last Thursday Israel once again attacked Jenin refugee camp causing massive damage…

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Stop The Genocide – Stop The Ethnic Cleansing – Stop The Weaponisation Of The Holocaust

Israelis May Fool Themselves Into Thinking They are Fighting Nazis But What They Are Really Fighting is the Victims of Today’s Nazis Please register Nothing was more obscene than the declaration of Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s London Ambassador, that ‘we are fighting the Nazis’. She declared that 600,000 Germans died when Britain bombed Dresden and Hamburg implying that…

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Open Letter to John Alcock, Leader of Brighton & Hove Labour Group – The Stench of Hypocrisy Over Labour Islamaphobia is Overpowering

Brighton’s ‘Left’ Labour Councillors Endorse the Purge of Socialists by accepting False Anti-Semitism Allegations against 3 former Councillors In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council. It gained 20 seats to the Green’s 19 and ran the Council. The response of the right was to make false allegations of anti-Semitism resulting…

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Defend David Miller Against Both the Zionists & their Apologists on the Left – There are Many Criticisms That Can Be Made of Miller but Anti-Semitism Isn’t One Of Them

JVL’s Attack on Miller is Jewish Exceptionalism – The SWP’s Attack is Political Cowardice Sound of the Police On 9 August Jewish Voices for Labour issued a statement David Miller has crossed a line in response to a tweet from Miller which said:’ “The facts: 1. Jews are not discriminated against. 2. They are over-represented in Europe, North America…

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The Lies that Sharon Graham & Unite Officials Told Their Members In Order to Appease Starmer and the Zionist Lobby

 The Banning of Corbyn – The Big Lie & Asa Winstanley’s ‘Weaponising Anti-Semitism’ because they ‘caused deep hurt among Jews in Britain” Renders Unite’s Policy on Palestine Meaningless Defy @UniteSharon, Kid Starver & their Zionist Friends – See The Big Lie on Sunday 30 July – Register Here It is the unanimous view of groups such as Amnesty International,  Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem that Israel is an Apartheid…

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Finally the Zionists Break Their Silence With a ‘Review’ by Marc Goldberg of ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’

Zionist War Criminal Goldberg’s Description of My Book as ‘Perhaps the Worst book I’ve Ever Read’ is Why You Should Read It!! Marc Goldberg, proudly describes how he became a settler ‘in time to find himself fighting the Al Aqsa Intifada as an IDF Paratrooper’. He is a curious choice to review a book on Zionism and the Holocaust. Goldberg is Head of…

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VICTORY – Brighton and Hove Trades Council Votes To Support the Palestinians and NOT to support SUTR’s March in London

The Real Question is Why Does Stand Up to Racism Refuse To Stand Up To Racism? On Wednesday Brighton and Hove Trades Council voted by 9-4 not to support the Stand Up to Racism march in London on March 18. This was because Scottish SUTR, since 2017, have allowed Glasgow Friends of Israel (GFI) and the Confederation of Friends…

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