Defend the right to protest – Defend the right of juries to reach a verdict according to their conscience!

Show solidarity with the 4 Elbit activists who have been convicted of trying to prevent war crimes Registration Letter to Judge Reid from signholders This meeting has been called because 4 Palestine Action protesters, including myself, were convicted on May 16 of ‘intent to cause criminal damage’ to the Shenstone factory of Israeli arms company Elbit…

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Open Letter to John McDonnell – What Purpose Do You Serve When Hauling Up The White Flag Is Your Only Strategy?

Open Letter to John McDonnell – What Purpose Do You Serve When Hauling Up The White Flag Is Your Only Strategy?  As Miners’ Leader Mick McGahey Once Said,  ‘They’ll Stop Chasing You When You Stop Running’ Dear John, On 18th February, the day Russia invaded Ukraine, Stop the War Coalition issued a statement calling for an end to the…

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Appeal for Paddy French, who is being sued for libel by Islamaphobe-in-Chief and Jewish Chronicle co-funder John Ware

Appeal for Paddy French, who is being sued for libel by Islamaphobe-in-Chief and Jewish Chronicle co-funder John Ware  Is Labour Anti-Semitic? was the title of the BBC Panorama programme – but the answer was never in doubt Please Support Paddy French’s Fundraiser Dear Friend, This is not an appeal on my behalf. I’m writing to…

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Banned by Amnesty International for Harassment – How the BBC turned Zionist Thug Richard Millett from a Zero into a Hero

Without a trace of shame – The Times, which refused to criticise Hitler, calls for Corbyn’s Resignation for ‘anti-Semitism’! A Summary of  Corbyn’s Anti-semitic Attack on Zionist Thug Richard Millett “– Did you hear that Jeremy Corbyn, in a speech in 2013, said that British Jews weren’t really British even if they were born there?…

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The Strange Case of Philip Cross – Wikipedia’s Mystery Editor and its anti-left, pro Israeli, fake neo-con entries

The Vicious Vendettas of Oliver Kamm – Times Leaderwriter, erstwhile journalist and Cyberstalker I am combining two stories – what is being termed the Philip Cross Affair and the Vicious Vendettas of one of the most unpleasant people in British journalism, Oliver Kamm.  They intertwine and it may be that Philip Cross is a composite…

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EXCLUSIVE Iain McNicol’s Dirty Tricks Brigade Infiltrates Labour Against the Witchhunt Meeting

Brighton Councillor Caroline Penn Makes Bogus Accusations of Harassment in bid to Help McNicol’s Court Case Right-wing Brighton Caroline Penn’s bogus complaints of harassment, which the Police have refused to act upon, is now being used to try and prevent the disclosure of documents in my application under the Data Protection Act.  In Penn’s world…

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The Times Retracts Allegations of anti-Semitism

Times April 14th 2016 Nearly two weeks ago (April 2nd) The Telegraph and The Times printed stories which implied that I had been suspended for anti-Semitism from the Labour Party and that those allegations had some merit. The information had been leaked by the Compliance Unit of the Labour Party to papers which are not…

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