Jeremy Corbyn film … the Big Lie

The Film They Don’t Want You To See is Showing in Brighton this Thursday Register Here The Establishment have gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent people seeing Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie. The attempts to ban it were first started by Keir Starmer – the Labour Liar who banned Labour councillors from seeing it. The cudgels were then taken up by Paul…

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Sharon Graham & Gary Smith – War Whores and Zionists Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis As the Slaughter Continues

 The TUC Decision to Support NATO’s Proxy War in the Ukraine is Shameful but Not Surprising Given Its Record of Subservience to the British State It is no surprise that Gary Smith of the institutionally sexist and racist GMB and an avid Zionist, has backed NATO’s neo-Nazi allies in Ukraine. The fact that Zelensky has approved laws stripping workers…

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Open Letter to Sharon Graham – How does support for the Palestinians square with working with the Israeli-state funded Campaign Against Anti-Semitism?

 Why have your officials lied and lied about the banning of ‘Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie’?  Who has given you the right to decide what Unite members can or cannot see? Dear Sharon Graham, Correspondence with Unite officials reminds me of David Low’s cartoons which depicted the TUC as a carthorse. Slow-witted, disingenuous, impervious to reason…

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The Lies that Sharon Graham & Unite Officials Told Their Members In Order to Appease Starmer and the Zionist Lobby

 The Banning of Corbyn – The Big Lie & Asa Winstanley’s ‘Weaponising Anti-Semitism’ because they ‘caused deep hurt among Jews in Britain” Renders Unite’s Policy on Palestine Meaningless Defy @UniteSharon, Kid Starver & their Zionist Friends – See The Big Lie on Sunday 30 July – Register Here It is the unanimous view of groups such as Amnesty International,  Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem that Israel is an Apartheid…

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