EXCLUSIVE: More Revelations about Zionism’s Fascist Wing

Who are Tommy Robinson’s Zionist Supporters?  At a time when supporters of Israel and Britain’s Zionist foreign policy are waging a war over ‘Labour antisemitism’, it is perhaps apt to look at the growing ranks of Zionist supporters of Tommy Robinson and British fascism. As the video above shows, many of these people are quite…

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Why Zionism is important & why we must reject attempts to sanitise it

This is an important article in Israel’s online +972 Magazine that is required reading for anyone who wishes to understand Zionism, the movement that dispossessed the Palestinians and now rules over 6 million of them. Ephraim Mirvis, Britain’s Chief Rabbi, argues that Zionism and Judaism are inseparable.  His predecessor Rabbi Herman Adler was an anti-Zionist This…

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