Anti-Zionism ‘stems from a history of abuse, whether verbal, physical or worst of all sexual’

The Wit and Wisdom of Jonathan Goldberg QC ‘What sets me apart is good judgement and discretion’ says Jonathan Goldberg QC in his promotional video.  Goldberg is a staunch and dedicated Zionist who has worked pro-bono (free) for the right-wing Zionist ‘charity’, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.  It would appear that mention of me made Goldberg lose both…

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The Academic Union’s Defeat of the Zionist – Last Update UCU

SPECIAL ISSUE CONCERNING FRASER v UCU ‘A Legal and Public Disaster’ – They don’t come stronger than that CONTENTS P1. Ronnie Fraser’s valiant charge. P3. Fraser V University & College Union: A Legal Analysis of the Employment Tribunal’s Judgment P6. Debating BDS: Fraser v UCU P8. It’s about the Palestinians, stupid P9. Three moves to…

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