The Nauseating Hypocrisy of The Guardian as Julian Assange is Freed

It was Guardian ‘journalists’ who, from the safety of their expense accounts, sneered & jeered whilst intelligence asset Luke Harding invented lies aimed at keeping Assange locked up Assange & the Guardian  – How a ‘liberal’ newspaper jeopardised journalistic freedom Last Tuesday Julian Assange was freed after 12 years of wrongful imprisonment after agreeing a ‘plea deal’ with the…

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Open Letter to the BBC’s Director General – Tim Davie – Why I Shall Not Be Paying My TV Licence & Why You Should Not Pay Yours

 What the BBC Means By Impartiality is NOT Broadcasting South Africa’s Case for Genocide But instead Broadcasting Israel’s Defence! Pilger on BBC [email protected]  Dear Mr Davie, On 11 January the International Court of Justice heard South Africa’s application that ‘acts and omissions by Israel . . . are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific…

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Further Update Defence Case Delayed Till Tuesday April 11 Contrary to all expectations, so much time was wasted on things like Agreed Facts (what the Defence & Persecution agree!) that I didn’t take the stand on Friday. It will now be Tuesday April 11 before I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but…

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Please Sign Our Letter to the Guardian – Why Did The Guardian Fail to Cover Julian Assange’s Extradition Proceedings in September?

Please Sign Our Letter to the Guardian – Why Did The Guardian Fail to Cover the Extradition Proceedings of Julian Assange in September? What Explains the Hostility of Guardian Columnists to Assange and the Silence of Owen Jones & George Monbiot? Please Sign Our Letter to the Guardian The Guardian’s behaviour over Julian Assange has been…

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Naomi Wolf and anti-semitism’s mystification

Anti-Semitism in the eye of the beholder – using ‘anti-semitism to silence cartoonists This cartoon in a German paper was deemed ‘anti-semitic’ From the Der Sturmer stable This is a cartoon in the Nazi paper Der Sturmer – I’ll leave it to you to work out the similarities, if any, with the above cartoon Another …

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