Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting Friday January 27 6.30 p.m. – all Welcome

 It’s Time To Reclaim the Memory of ALL Those Who Died in the Nazi Holocaust from Zionism and the Supporters of Israeli Apartheid Please Register Here https://tinyurl.com/3nmpruyd Friday 27th March is Holocaust Memorial Day and the Socialist Labour Network is holding a meeting to remember and commemorate ALL the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Not only did 6 million Jews die…

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When the German State Bans Jewish anti-Zionists they are Following in the Footsteps of Their Nazi Predecessors

It is no coincidence that the most vehement opponent of BDS and Palestine solidarity among German political parties is the neo-Nazi Alternative for Germany On 19 May 2019 the Bundestag passed a motion declaring that Boycott Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] was anti-Semitic. You might therefore assume that Alternative for Germany, a neo-Nazi party that had 13% of the seats…

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Why Ken Livingstone was right when he said that the Nazis supported the German Zionists against their Jewish opponents

At the Book Launch for Zionism During the Holocaust I described how the Zionist Leaders Obstructed the Rescue of Jews from Hitler where Palestine wasn’t the destination Below is an extended essay based on my talk. Zionism During the Holocaust is the first comprehensive book on Zionist relations with the Nazis innearly 40 years. This is surprising at…

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My Book ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’ is Being Released This Week

 Jewish Network for Palestine  is hosting the Book Launch Sunday 13 November 5 pm Please share with your networks and register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7N3bCglHRJ-kYwCW3QKtUw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. It has been a long time coming but my book Zionism During the Holocaust – The Weaponisation of Memory in the…

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Helen Aksentijevic interviews veteran anti-Zionist Moshe Machover, one of the founders of Matzpen, the Socialist Organisation in Israel

 Machover looks back on life since his childhood under the Palestine Mandate and describes both his own family and political background There are not many people who can justly be described as legends in their own lifetime but Moshe Machover is one such person. An indefatigable optimist he was the ‘one who got away’. Targeted…

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I Have Resigned From Palestine Solidarity Campaign Because It No Longer Opposes Zionism, the Founding Ideology and Movement that created the Israeli State

I Have Resigned From Palestine Solidarity Campaign Because It No Longer Opposes Zionism, the Founding Ideology and Movement that created the Israeli State In Railroading a Constitution Through Its AGM in Less Than an Hour, PSC’s Ruling Clique Demonstrated Their Contempt for the Membership  In my letter of resignation I outline the reasons why Palestine Solidarity Campaign…

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Open Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, Professor Christopher Husbands

Open Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, Professor Christopher Husbands Shahd Abusalama is Another Academic to Have Fallen Foul of Zionism’s McCarthyist Lobby To:       [email protected] Dear Professor Husbands, On January 21 Shahd Abusalama, a PhD student, was suspended by Sheffield Hallam University on the eve of teaching her first class. Shahd has been subject…

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Israel’s Shameless Treatment of the Holocaust Survivors –Half of Them Have to Choose Between Food and Heat

Israel’s Shameless Treatment of the Holocaust Survivors –Half of Them Have to Choose Between Food and Heat Despite Exploiting the Holocaust Financially and in Propaganda Israel Acknowledges No Obligation to the Survivors German holocaust survivors – Interview with Collette Avital A friend recently sent me yesterday a clip from a German news programme in which Colette…

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A Crowdfunding Appeal to Publish a Very Special Book – Zionism During the Holocaust

A Crowdfunding Appeal to Publish a Very Special Book – Zionism During the Holocaust  Hidden from History – The Behaviour of the Zionist movement During, Before and After the Nazi Period Please Donate Generously To My Crowdfunder https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/i-want-to-publish-zionism-during-the-holocaust-1 When Ken Livingstone declared, in April 2016, that Hitler supported Zionism, he was attacked as a ‘Nazi apologist’.…

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