Stop the Genocide Stop the Ethnic Cleansing

Brighton & Hove Trades Council Demonstration Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Council in the face of Israel’s Nazi style murder campaign  The Genocidal  ‘Friendship Song’ which Calls to Annihilate Everyone in Gaza Two weeks ago, Brighton and Hove Trades Council held a demonstration outside Hove Town Hall against the Council’s silence over the ongoing genocide…

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In the ‘Fight Against Terrorism’ the Israeli Army Once Again Attacks Jenin’s Al Tafawk Children’s Centre

 Israel’s Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing Reminds Germans of how the Nazis dealt with ‘terrorism’ – that is why Germany’s neo-Nazis love Israel Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s far-right President of the European Commission Openly Supports Israeli Genocide American Nurse from Doctors Without Borders Last Thursday Israel once again attacked Jenin refugee camp causing massive damage…

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Finally the Zionists Break Their Silence With a ‘Review’ by Marc Goldberg of ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’

Zionist War Criminal Goldberg’s Description of My Book as ‘Perhaps the Worst book I’ve Ever Read’ is Why You Should Read It!! Marc Goldberg, proudly describes how he became a settler ‘in time to find himself fighting the Al Aqsa Intifada as an IDF Paratrooper’. He is a curious choice to review a book on Zionism and the Holocaust. Goldberg is Head of…

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Welding the Gates of Dachau or Jewish Exceptionalism? Rachel Mars, Vashti and The Politics of Cultural Banality

Roger Water’s Berlin Concert demonstrates how Political Culture can be subversive Pickle is the weekly newsletter of alternative Jewish cultural group Vashti, which was founded in 2019 by Rivka Brown of Novara Media which supported the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt. The group claims that it stands in opposition to the existing leadership of British Jews but does it? Vashti  is one of a number…

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How the Zionist movement has used the Holocaust to Sanitise Their Racist Project by Weaponising the Memory of the Murdered 6 Million

 Listen to the recording of the South Africa PSC and Brighton Book Launches for Zionism During the Holocaust PSC South Africa Book Launch I was privileged to be invited to speak to a meeting of PSC South Africa on 16 March 2023. The meeting was held to launch my book ‘Zionism During the Holocaust – the Weaponisation…

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From Holocaust to Resistance: Suzanne Berliner Weiss

The Story of One Woman’s Fight for a Better Society Holocaust to Resistance: My Journey – A Review EssaySuzanne Berliner WeissRoseway Publishers, 2019 Interview with Suzanne Weiss Wednesday 1 March 2023 I first met Suzanne Weiss through organising the Socialist Labour Network’s Holocaust Memorial Day meeting on 27 January 2023. Suzanne had, prior to this, sent me…

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Starmer Forces Holocaust Survivor Stephen Kapos Out of the Labour Party as Part of the Fight Against ‘Anti-Semitism’

The London Labour Bureaucrat Who Threatened Stephen With Expulsion Didn’t Even Have the Courage to Give His Name On Friday January 27 the Socialist Labour Network organised a meeting for Holocaust Memorial Day under the title Reclaiming the Memory of All Those Who Died In The Nazi Holocaust. Unlike the official HMD commemorations, we remembered not just the…

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Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting Friday January 27 6.30 p.m. – all Welcome

 It’s Time To Reclaim the Memory of ALL Those Who Died in the Nazi Holocaust from Zionism and the Supporters of Israeli Apartheid Please Register Here Friday 27th March is Holocaust Memorial Day and the Socialist Labour Network is holding a meeting to remember and commemorate ALL the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Not only did 6 million Jews die…

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