What do you do when you find that a friend has become a racist?

When Jean Calder joined with the supporters of genocide in Gaza to oppose ‘anti-Semitism’, she symbolised the problems of Western feminism Braverman’s dream (& apparently Jean Calder’s) This blog is a follow up to Anita Patel’s Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism. When you’ve been friends with someone for 40 years it comes as a shock…

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Hugely Successful Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting Last Night – Israel and Zionism Represents the Perpetrators not the Victims of the Holocaust

The Israeli State, instead of being Recompense for the Extermination of Europe’s Jews, is the Embodiment of the Nazi Policies of Lebensraum and Racial Resettlement  Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting 27.1.24. Above is the recording of our hugely successful Holocaust Memorial Day meeting last night. 333 people attended from 25 countries and every continent including 218…

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Israel’s Shame is Germany’s and the West’s Shame

On the Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day Israel has been Found by the ICJ To Have Been Perpetrating a Genocide Register in advance for this webinar here http://tinyurl.com/mr49ufvh ICJ interim ruling on genocide case against Israel – Live It is a comforting myth, not least to the German State, the heir to the Nazi murderers, to…

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EXCLUSIVE – Professor Justin Stebbing of Imperial College, London Sent Me An Email Saying How Much He Hates Jews and Why They Should All Be Gassed

When Challenged Stebbing Claimed That His Emails Were ‘Pure Irony’ I have become used to receiving racist and anti-Semitic emails and posts. Often my first task is to work out whether they come from neo-Nazis or Zionists (or both). But on this occasion it seemed clear that it was the former. At 15.36 on Sunday I…

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Zionism – During & After the Holocaust – How Zionism Fought to Prevent Jews Being Rescued During the Holocaust

 Israel has Weaponised the Nazi Genocide of Jews to Justify its Genocide of Palestinians  Zionism – During & After the Holocaust Thursday 18 January 7.00 p.m. Speakers: Tony Greenstein & Tom Suarez Register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AplKR6yjRimAcaO9o2GZ4w Hin & Ajam – Two Israeli Captives Who Said They Were Treated Like Queens – Compare that to Palestinian Prisoners Who…

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Festive Greetings to My Readers but Spare a Thought for the People of Gaza Who Face a Bleak Xmas & New Year Because of Israeli & US War Criminals

Thank you for the Solidarity you have Shown to Mick Napier and Myself as Britain’s Police Try to Criminalise Palestinian Solidarity If the Rotten & Corrupt Arab Regimes Followed the Example of the Houthis in Yemen & Cut Off the Oil then Israel’s Genocide Would Be Stopped Instantly One thing is for sure. Nothing will…

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