Die Linke – Germany’s Left Party Scabs on the Palestinians

A good article on  America’s Jacobin site, on another German party, this time the left Social Democratic Party, Die Linke, which was formed by the former SDP MP Oscar Lafontaine and the ex-German Communist Party PDS led by Gregor Gysi. Instead of challenging the establishment consensus around support for Israel Die Linke and Gysi in…

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A Simple Guide to the Greek Debt Crisis

A highly amusing article from Business Insider UK about the Greek Debt Crisis and how the EU deliberately engineered the crisis by taking over the debt owed to private banks onto the shoulders of European tax payers. It is an even greater reason why the Greeks should junk the debt and leave the Euro. Below…

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Merkel’s Conservatives Are Better Politically on Palestine than Germany’s Green Party – Die Grunen

Green Politics and Utopian Capitalism – International Solidarity is the First Casualty Poster portraying Netanyahu as a child murderer To those who believe that you can judge Britain’s Green Party by what its conference passes when it has no power, the example of Germany’s Greens is a powerful example. Beck and some dimwit Volker-Beck, a…

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