Tony Greenstein | 15 January 2012 | Post Views:

Even the Police Refused to Turn Up

Successful Boycott Action today in Tesco’s, Hove.

About 20 of us from Brighton PSC branch went shopping at Tesco’s, anxious about the drop in their share price recently, when we came across a number of items of Israeli produce. Well we just had to protest!

After having been escorted out of the branch, albeit after about 10 minutes, and they seemed none too keen on me filming (!), we had a succesful picket outside. A couple of Zionists became aggressive and one tried snatching the megaphone out of my hand but the reception was very good apart from a few toe rags whose only response was ‘you’re on private property’!! It would seem that the level of Zionist aggro is increasing and is directly related to the succecss we are having.

Although the Police were called they didn’t turn up so after nearly an hour waiting for them we decided to call it a day!

Here is the footage I took, excuse some of the banter!

Clips include a Welsh action where blood red dye was sprayed over an overturned trolly of Tesco’s stolen produce.

Tony Greenstein

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Tony Greenstein

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