Tony Greenstein | 14 October 2012 | Post Views:

Greta Berlin has responded to my post and I have agreed to put it up unamended as her version of wha has happened.  I will comment at the end.

Tony Greenstein

Greta Berlin – What Really Happened

 This is ALL that happened regarding a video I wanted to park in a small group and watch later

1. I grabbed the video out of a group of 1000 people, a group that is private
2. I meant to park it into a group of 30+ people that is secret (to
watch it later), but I never checked the settings before I hit SHARE,
because I was in a hurry.
3. I did not watch the video. Why would I
have watched the video? I was in a hell of a hurry and was traveling
like crazy those four days. I would have watched it in the small group.
Would we have had a discussion on it? Probably. We discuss all kinds of
things as you can see from the attached conversation
4. I did not
know my personal Facebook page was connected to the Free Gaza TWITTER
page. There are 3300 TWEETS on the Free Gaza page, and you all attacked
me for this mistake without even giving me a chance to clarify or figure
out what had happened.
5. Free Gaza apologized on the front page of the website, using the language that Ali Abunimah gave us.
6. I apologized on the front page of Free Gaza after I figured out what had happened. That should have been the end of it.

I never said a word about the video. I never hit LIKE. In fact, I have been demonized, not for the mistake I
made, but for the assumption that surely I MUST have said something to
merit all of this hatred. I assure you, I did not.

witchhunt is not about my stupid mistake. It’s because I endorsed Gilad
Atzmon’s book, The Wandering Who,” a book I personally liked. If
everyone is going after me for my endorsement, then they need to go
after the famous endorsers of Gilad’s journey, including Richard Falk,
John Mearsheimer, Karl Sabbagh, William Gates and Dr. Samir Abed-Rabbo.

OK Tony. You said you would publish my explanation. Please do that
for me. You and I are never going to agree about Gilad, and why should
we? I honor your distaste for his book. You should honor my endorsement
or go after everyone who has endorsed

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Tony Greenstein

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