At a time when Israel is using Coronavirus to pursue Ethnic Cleansing Please Help to Keep Jenin’s Al Tawfawk Centre Open
At a time when Israel is using Coronavirus to pursue Ethnic Cleansing Please Help to Keep Jenin’s Al Tawfawk Centre Open Let’s Keep Palestinian Children Safe – Since Israel is Doing Its Best to Endanger Them – Please Donate Generously With Coronavirus Raging in the West Bank I am asking you to support the Children…
Read MoreThe Masters of War and Corbyn’s Failure to deal with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the poison of the Ruth Smeeths
The Masters of War and Corbyn’s Failure to deal with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the poison of the Ruth Smeeths The Self-Pitying Whine of the Jewish Chronicle’s Stephen Pollard is in contrast to his contempt for others Wednesday April 1stThe Editor,The Jewish Chronicle28 St. Albans LaneLondon NW11 [email protected] Dear Editor, Strange as it may seem, I just…
Read MoreUNBELIEVABLE: While the World Fights Coronavirus, Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians – Is This What the Lessons of the Holocaust are for Israel?
UNBELIEVABLE: While the World Fights Coronavirus, Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians – Is This What the Lessons of the Holocaust are for Israel? The Spread of Coronavirus and the Lack of Equipment is a National Scandal Richard Horton – Editor The Lancet A Heartbreaking Video from a New York Hospital –…
Read MoreEven Tommy Robinson praises Trevor Phillips and his anti-Muslim bigotry
Even Tommy Robinson praises Trevor Phillips and his anti-Muslim bigotry According to Phillips, Muslims “see the world differently from the rest of us” – why has he not yet been expelled from the Labour Party? Imagine that someone had said that the genocidal actions of Israel can be traced to the fact that it is a Jewish…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Jennie Formby – Who Would Have Imagined that You Would Prove to be Worse than Iain McNicol?
Open Letter to Jennie Formby – Who Would Have Imagined that You Would Prove to be Worse than Iain McNicol? Disqualifying Candidates to Prevent them being Elected is not exactly new –this is how the Tyrant of Egypt, ‘President’ Sisi, was ‘Elected’ Dear Jennie, I realise that you are unlikely to be General Secretary for…
Read MoreLift Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and Free Palestinian Children NOW – this is a massacre in the making
Lift Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and Free Palestinian Children NOW – this is a massacre in the making Gaza is on the Brink of Disaster as Israel’s Genocidal Blockade Threatens to Kill Thousand What we are facing with self-isolation is nothing compared to the calamity which may strike Gaza. Gaza with 2 million people in…
Read MoreAs China reports no new cases, Coronavirus Illustrates all the Flaws and Failures of Free Market Capitalism and our broken NHS
As China reports no new cases, Coronavirus Illustrates all the Flaws and Failures of Free Market Capitalism and our broken NHS Too Little Too Late – The Delay and Failure of Boris Johnson to Deal with the Coronavirus and its Consequences Could Kill Thousands It has just been announced that there are no new cases of COVID-19…
Read MoreSt Mungo’s Strikers Need Your Support in their Battle against a Dickensian Employer
St Mungo’s Strikers Need Your Support in their Battle against a Dickensian Employer What Kind of Homeless Charity is it which Works with the Home Office to Deport Homeless Migrants? Step Forward Howard Sinclair – their £160,000 union busting CEO Today saw the first of a 3 day strike by Unite workers at St Mungo’s, Britain’s…
Read More#RacistTwitter Suspends Tony Greenstein for Responding to Abusive Zionist Posts – Please Bombard Twitter Protesting Their Censorship of Anti-racists – Ask them if their ‘rules’ ban responding to Racist Bullies?
#RacistTwitter Suspends Tony Greenstein for Responding to Abusive Zionist Posts – Please Bombard Twitter Protesting Their Censorship of Anti-racists – Ask them if their ‘rules’ ban responding to Racist Bullies? When a Zionist tweeted that I should have died in the Holocaust #RacistTwitter said there was no breach of ‘the rules’ – but when I…
Read MoreIsrael is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children yet Labour’s Jon Lansman, Owen Jones and Jennie Formby say that such an accusation is ‘antisemitic’
Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children yet Labour’s Jon Lansman, Owen Jones and Jennie Formby say that such an accusation is ‘antisemitic’ For Six Months, 6 Palestinian Villages Had Running Water. Israel’s Army, ‘the most moral in the world’ Put a Stop to It If you want to know what the IHRA and…
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