The Labour Representation Committee AGM is this Saturday – If It’s Serious About Defeating the Right It Should Get Rid of its President, John McDonnell

WHAT IS JEWISH VOICE FOR LABOUR FOR?  When Your Strategy Has Failed It’s Usually a Good Idea To Change Direction Not Dig A Deeper Hole  The LRC is holding its long delayed AGM this Saturday. The Labour Left has suffered a cataclysmic defeat at the hands of a state sponsored ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. If the LRC…

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Like a Mafia Boss, Starmer Paid Hush Money to Labour’s Crooked Staff in order to Prevent an Investigation into the Leaked Dossier

DEFIANCE NOT COMPLIANCE Starmer’s Glove Puppet David Evans Must be Prevented from Destroying Free Speech and Democracy in Labour As I predicted when he was elected, Starmer would be no ‘centrist’ contrary to what Lansman and his fellow Momentum traitors had assured us. When Starmer emerged alongside Coronavirus, I wrote ‘If anyone had any doubts…

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Imagine if you went on holiday and on returning you discovered that the State had confiscated your home as ‘abandoned property – that is how Israel steals Palestinian homes

The Jewish National Fund is trying to evict the Sumarins from the home they have lived in for 30 years – if Annexation goes ahead then thousands of Palestinian homes in the West Bank will be declared ‘abandoned’ The 1950 Absentee Property Law [APL] was the main legal instrument used by Israel to steal the…

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Prussia and the State of Israel – The Parallels

Both Prussia and Israel were the product of a holocaust Two years ago Uri Avnery, one of the few Zionists who you couldn’t describe as a racist, died. Avnery was a maverick Israeli who began his political life in Irgun, the fascist Revisionist Zionist militia and ended it as a fighter for peace. Avnery formed…

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