The Tory Party’s Annual Xmas Party at Downing Street – Let’s Not Play Scrooge!
I am Launching a Crowdfunder to Help Ensure that No MP Goes Hungry this Xmas – Please Give Generously
There are some unkind, mean spirited people who begrudge our loyal and hard working MPs their £81,000 annual salary (plus expenses). Despite the feral press, most of us realise that many of them are struggling to make ends meet.
It cannot be right that many MPs are struggling to put food in their children’s mouths whilst scroungers galore are bleeding the welfare state dry with their claims for universal credit.
Whilst the disabled live the life of Riley on benefits, Boris Johnson, who like George Washington cannot tell a lie, is forced to go cap in hand in order to raise enough dosh to wallpaper his Downing Street flat. And then they accuse him of corruption. Unbelievable.
I can’t tell you how demeaning it is that Britain’s First Minister is on the bring of penury and poverty, especially now that Carrie has made an honest man of him. Indeed with a young baby Boris is forced, with his poverty pay of £161,000 to go, cap in hand, to Zac Goldsmith to provide him with a free holiday chalet.
I shall therefore be setting up a Crowdfunder, which I hope this time won’t be taken down. Do please give generously. You know they are worth it.