Posts Tagged ‘Zionist-Nazi Collaboration’
Stan Keable – Suspended for Expressing his Opinion on Zionism – Welcome to Stephen Cowan’s Thought Police in Hammersmith & Fulham Council
How Equalities Policies are Used to Deny Free Speech & Human Rights On March 26th, as part of the wholly contrived campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, which blew up around a long erased, allegedly anti-Semitic, mural various Zionist organisations organised their first ‘anti-racist’ demonstration outside Parliament. It is worth noting that over 2 years ago the…
Read MoreIsrael’s Alliance with Europe’s Neo-Nazi and Far-Right Parties
Zionism’s Collaboration with Nazi Germany is not just a matter of history When you mention the fact that the Zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis and even welcomed them to power in the 1930’s, accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ come thick and fast. According to them, this is a calumny against all Jews even though before WW2…
Read MoreWhy we should not hesitate to compare Zionism and the Israeli state with the Nazis
Challenging the Zionist & its Abuse of the Holocaust ‘Write and Record’ were the last words of Jewish historian Simon Dubnow as he was murdered by the Nazis in the Riga ghetto on December 8th 1941. It is an injunction we should take to heart and add a third imperative – we should Write, Record…
Read MoreOn Both Sides of the Witch-hunt – The Alliance for Workers Liberty’s Political Schizophrenia
It is not anti-Semitic to quote the mutual praise of Nazis and Zionists – just truthful A member of the Hitler youth expressing his joy at the attacks on Jews and in Israel a small girl writing a message on a missile destined for the people of Gaza If there is one thing that the…
Read MoreZionism’s Court Historians – Reinventing the past in order to manipulate the future
Lying in the service of the Israeli state Oxford’s Professor Jane Caplan Attacks Ken Livingstone the “Beitar Heart” Instagram account of Jerusalem’s Beitar fan club featured an image of a candle lit to commemorate Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. The image was tagged with #Death to Arabs! Jane Caplan, Emeritus Professor of History in Modern European History…
Read MoreThose who abandon Livingstone today will abandon Corbyn tomorrow – Stand Up for Free Speech on Israel and Palestine
Why it’s time to boycott the Guardian and say no to liberal McCarthyism Jonathan Freedland as Comment Editor ensured that the False Anti-Semitism Campaign met no opposition in the pages of the Guardian Ever since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party, the Guardian has launched one vicious assault after another on him. Jonathan Freedland…
Read MorePaul Bogdanor and the Zionist three card trick – Why Ken Livingstone was Right (part 2)
A Glimpse at the Zionist Record During the Holocaust After the head of the Gestapo’s Jewish Desk – Baron von Mildenstein visited Jewish Palestine he wrote a series of 12 articles praising the Zionist settlement in Der Angriff Goebbel’s paper A fter Ken Livingstone stated that Hitler supported Zionism, there was an outbreak of synthetic…
Read MoreBritain’s Cointelpro – How the Israeli Embassy and Guido Fawkes destabilised the Labour Party
Ken Livingstone Must Be Reinstated & Corbyn Must Fight Back Ken Livingstone – under suspension for speaking the truth The coin that the Nazis struck in commemoration of the head of the Jewish desk at the Gestapo visit to Palestine courtesy of the Zionist labour movement The late Phil Agee revealed in his book Inside…
Read MoreWhen the Zionist movement chose between the Jews and the Jewish State
Ben Gurion – It is Better to Save Half Germany’s Children in Palestine than all of them in England The Zionists are going spare over Livingstone’s comments but he is essentially right. The Nazis did favour the Zionists over and above all other Jews. There is no dispute about this. What is worse the Zionists…
Read MoreFANCY THAT! Whilst most Jews were boycotting Nazi Germany the Zionists traded with it!
Over 60% of capital investment in the Zionist economy in Palestine between 1933 and 1939 came from Nazi Germany I know it’s an uncomfortable fact and telling the truth these days is ‘anti-Semitic’ but the fact remains that when most Jews were boycotting Nazi Germany the Zionists were trading with them. 60% of capital investment…
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