Posts Tagged ‘zionism’
A letter from an Israeli History Professor Shlomo Sand to the President of France
Why I Cannot be a Zionist: an Open Letter to Emmanuel Macron Photo by OFFICIAL LEWEB PHOTOS | CC BY 2.0 This is a powerful open letter to the French President Macron by Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand. Macron a few weeks ago made a particularly stupid statement, even for a French Blairite, when he declared that…
Read MoreAs Klansman David Duke & The Stormer applaud Yair Netanyahu, Zionists have the effrontery to accuse anti-Zionists of anti-Semitism!
The Silence of Benjamin Netanyahu over his son’s anti-Semitism is deafening Ha’aretz cartoon playing on the corruption scandal over hundreds of thousands of dollars free champagne that the Netanyahus have quaffed in return for favours It gets worse. Benjamin Netanyahu’s son’s cartoon attacking George Soros, which he lifted from a neo-Nazi web site, has now…
Read MoreAyelet Shaked, Israel’s Justice Minister, admits Zionism is Racist as she demands the Supreme Court prioritise Zionism over individual & human rights
Justice Minister Slams Israel’s Top Court, Says It Disregards Zionism and maintaining a Jewish Majority Ayelet Shaked at the Israeli Bar Association As Gideon Levy, one of Ha’aretz’s two fearless opponents of Zionism’s racism said Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s far-right ‘Justice Minister’ is to be congratulated for her honesty. Whereas Labour and ‘liberal’ Zionists usually hide their racism…
Read MoreJewish Voice for Labour & the Politics of Self-Indulgence – Nothing to say on Palestine or Zionism
Jews in the Labour Party should oppose Israeli Apartheid not obsess about identity politics What is the point of Jewish politics today? At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, when most British Jews arrived as refugees from the pogroms of Czarist Russia, Jewish politics had a very specific dynamic. They…
Read MoreHow do you tell if someone is a Nazi?
Answer – It Depends on their Attitude to Israel It must be very difficult for Zionists these days. Netanyahu goes off to greet Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is busy rehabilitating the former pro-Nazi leader of Hungary, Admiral Miklos Horthy, who presided over the deportation of nearly 1/2m Jew to Auschwitz. The loss of…
Read MoreZionism as a master-race ideology
Zionist Invention of Iran Threat – An Interview with Prof. Yakov Rabkin This is an important interview with Professor Yakov Rabkin that is well worth reading. According to Wikipedia ‘Yakov M. Rabkin is a professor of history at the Université de Montréal, author and public intellectual. His book A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to…
Read MoreGeneral Election – Is Labour on the threshold of victory?
No one has been more disappointed with the success of Labour’s campaign than the Labour Right and Zionist Jewish Labour Movement At the very start of the election campaign, when all was doom and gloom, I published a post Labour Can Win if Corbyn is Bold – the Key Issue is Poverty and the Transfer…
Read MoreLying in the cause of Zionism – Defending Zionism’s Abandonment of the Jews during the Holocaust
A reply to Jamie Robert’s When is Holocaust Revisionism OK? My attention has been drawn to a typically dishonest Zionist response to my article by one Jamie Roberts. I recently posted an article The anti-Zionist Bund led the Jewish Resistance in Poland whilst the Zionist Movement abandoned the Jews. It described the heroic role of the…
Read MoreGuardian Prints Letter in Response to God Awful Leader
In its eagerness to vilify Livingstone, the Guardian Abandons Free Speech The Guardian really surpassed itself in an outrageous editorial The Guardian view on Labour and Ken Livingstone: wrong decision, terrible message. The editorial could have written by Benjamin Netanyahu. It spoke about ‘the idea that an accusation of antisemitism is a weapon deployed…
Oppose the Attempts of Progress and the Zionists to Expel Ken Livingstone & Destroy Labour Party Democracy Those who support Livingstone’s expulsion today are paving the way for Corbyn’s removal tomorrow The Guardian is virtually running the campaign to expel Livingstone as it provides free publicity and editorials and opinion pieces – all of them…
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