Is it true that Israel provides a safe refuge for Jews from anti-Semitism?

As the example of Israel’s Relations with Argentina’s Neo-Nazi Junta, 1976-1983, proves, Arms Sales and Military Alliances took Priority Over Saving Jews To Register Click on Link The mainstream Zionist narrative is that the Holocaust was ‘an unshakable justification’ for the establishment of a Jewish state.[1] Yet as the case of Argentina under the military Junta proved, the only…

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Why the Head of the SS’s Jewish Desk, Baron von Mildenstein and top German Zionist official Kurt Tuchler went visited and stayed in Palestine together

When the Zionist Movement was eager to work with the Nazis My eye was caught by this interesting article that appeared on Ynet, the on-line version of Israel’s largest newspaper, Yediot Aharanot, on 21st January 2018. When History Today published, in January 1980 a front page article, ‘A Nazi Travels to Palestine’ there was uproar from…

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