Posts Tagged ‘welfare reform’
SHAFTED how disabled people found themselves on the front line
SHAFTED how disabled people found themselves on the front line How Disabled People Were Singled Out as part of the Austerity Offensive SOCIALIST DISABILITY GROUP MEETING Register here: The Socialist Disability Group (SDG) is holding an online meeting on Friday 25 March called “SHAFTED — how disabled people found themselves on the front line.” Disabled…
Read MoreIDS – The Tory’s version of Scrooge
The Contemptible Ian Duncan Smith Is there anyone more despicable than Ian Duncan Smith? He puts Scrooge to shame for the latter’s generosity. This is a man who spent £10,000 of public money having his portrait painted. After being sacked as Tory leader he went on a mission of salvation to Easterhouse in Glasgow where…
Read MoreNew Labour Supports Benefit Attacks and ‘Welfare Reforms’
Catt Reilly outside the Royal Courts of Justice On 12th February 2013, a student Cat Reilly and a lorry driver Jamieson Wilson successfully took the government to court. They argued that the benefit sanctions as being implemented were unlawful. The Court of Appeal agreed. Highly unusually, the Government immediately passed legislation of a retrospective nature,…
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