Posts Tagged ‘Weekly Worker’
Brighton Demonstration In Solidarity With Iranian Women’s Struggle Against Iran’s Murderous Theocratic Regime
It is a Terrible Mistake for Sections of the Left to Support the Corrupt and Repressive Iranian Regime in the Name of Anti-Imperialism I attended a demonstration today in central Brighton in support of the protests of Iranian women. There were about 200 people there comprising a mixture of forces, including supporters of the Shah…
Read MoreWhich way forward for the Left? a mass Communist Party or a broad left socialist movement?
Which way forward for the Left? a mass Communist Party or a broad left socialist movement? Is it possible to salvage anything from the Corbyn Project or is the socialist left destined to talk to itself? Register in advance for this webinar here or here Tonight we had the launch meeting of the new Socialist Labour Network (LAW/LIEN)…
Read MoreJoin the Fightback this Friday at the Founding Meeting of the Socialist Labour Network (LAW/LIEN)
Join the Fightback this Friday at the Founding Meeting of the Socialist Labour Network (LAW/LIEN) Help Us Build a Socialist Movement by Organising Grassroots CLPs To attend the meeting please first join either: (£10 waged/£5 unwaged) At the end of November All Members Meetings of Labour-in-Exile-Network and Labour Against the Witchhuntt voted to merge into a…
Read MoreLetters & Articles 2015 – A Year of Surprises
2015 – When the Fightback Began 2015 has been a very significant year for me. It involved both fighting for my own life as well as the lives of others. In September I had a liver transplant, which has so far gone well, having been successfully cured of Hepatitis C with a new generation of…
Read MoreAppeasement is no way to fight the Labour Right
Labour turned upside down An article of mine was published in the Weekly Worker a week ago on the situation, as I see it, facing Jeremy Corbyn. Labour Turned Upside Down Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory The election of Jeremy Corbyn opens up significant possibilities for the left to advance a socialist agenda…
Read MoreLEFT UNITY – Internal Strife and ‘Feminist’ Witchhunt
Personal Politics – the Divorce from Reality Left Unity – the group set up with such hope and optimism – has fallen foul to the same curse that has historically plagued the socialist and far-left of British politics – Sectarianism. The belief that one’s own petty concerns are of more importance than the wider movement…
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