Day of Judgement for the International Court of Justice

October 7 Seen in Context  UPDATE Well the decision of the ICJ is now out. It is better than I had hoped for but my prediction that the Court would balk at taking the decisive step of ordering Israel to desist by issuing an injunction has proven correct. The decisiveness of the 15-2 majorities surprised me. On…

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What Happened in Uvalde is Why the Police Should Be Defunded

 While a Gunman was Killing 19 children and their teachers in Ulvade Texan Police Handcuffed, Pepper Sprayed and Tasered the Parents Instead! The Problem Isn’t Gun Law but America’s Violent Racist Society – Gun Law Reform Won’t Change That If ever there was a demonstration as to why the Police should be defunded, it was…

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Connecticut School Killings – Part of an American Sickness

It’s Not Gun Control but a Violent, Racist society that Killed 20 Children in Newtown Connecticut   Flags are flying at half-staff across Connecticut in remembrance of the victims of the Newtown elementary school shooting.  Unfortunately the Stars and Stripes are themselves dripping with blood. No one can doubt for a moment the trauma and…

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