Posts Tagged ‘UNRWA’
Vote Green ONLY when there is no socialist alternative – they are neither anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist or anti-racist
As the Neo-Liberal Parties Head for a Record Low Vote, the Left has to Come Together Under One Umbrella like in France
Read MoreHugely Successful Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting Last Night – Israel and Zionism Represents the Perpetrators not the Victims of the Holocaust
The Israeli State, instead of being Recompense for the Extermination of Europe’s Jews, is the Embodiment of the Nazi Policies of Lebensraum and Racial Resettlement Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting 27.1.24. Above is the recording of our hugely successful Holocaust Memorial Day meeting last night. 333 people attended from 25 countries and every continent including 218…
Read MoreIf only there was oil under Yarmouk
The Tragedy of Yarmouk The videos (below) are heart breaking. The Palestinians in Yarmouk are besieged on all sides – by the butchers of ISIS and Al Nusra, ably supported by Israel, and bombed from the air by Assad. Tony Greenstein As Palestinians are being murdered and starving to death in the refugee camp…
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