Posts Tagged ‘Ukraine’
Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation?’ Watch Max Blumenthal address UN Security Council
Is there anyone sane left on the planet who seriously believes that US/NATO support for Ukraine is motivated by a concern for self-determination? If there is anyone who believes that NATO, i.e. US support for Ukraine and its supply of advanced weaponry to the Zelensky regime, is on account of its support for that country’s…
Read MoreThe BBC’s Idea of Impartiality is a Balance Between the Right and the Far-Right
When the BBC’s Tim Davie says ‘We are absolutely driven by a passion for impartiality” it’s like Hitler saying he was driven by a passion for Jews Tim Davie Interview We should celebrate a rare victory over the BBC who have been forced to client climb down, reinstate and apologise to Gary Lineker. If Lineker had spoken…
Read MoreIt’s not Corbyn but Starmer’s Cynical Use of Jews to Attack the Left that is Anti-Semitic
The Labour Left Will Never Recover Until It Understands That ‘Anti-Semitism’ Was a Lie Designed by Racists to Defeat Anti-Racists Keir Starmer’s ‘patriotism’ is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Corbyn must declare his candidacy now Last Tuesday in that good socialist newspaper The Times Keir Starmer declared war on what’s left of the Labour Left,…
Read MoreIn July Lowkey was Cancelled from the TUC’s Tolpuddle Festival as a Result of False Allegations of Anti-Semitism by Gary Smith, General Secretary of the GMB
Smith Did the Israel Lobby’s Dirty Work Targeting a Black Opponent of Israeli Apartheid with a Series of Zionist Lies It was only in August that I wrote a blog Focus on the Corrupt GMB with an emphasis on General Secretary, Gary Smith. Smith is unfortunately in a long line of right-wing misogynists, racists and general reactionaries…
Read MoreMy conversation with Ben Jamal of Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Zionism, Palestine Action and the Palestinian Authority
Having abandoned anti-Zionism, does PSC actually have any strategy other than Appeasing the Establishment and ‘Mainstreaming’? My interview on an independent Bristol radio station Ben Jamal, PSC and Zionism In the wake of my resignation from PSC, an organisation I helped found in 1982, Ben Jamal emailed me. His complaint was that I had misquoted…
Read MoreThe Coming War with China – John Pilger
The ‘logic’ of the United States surrounding China with hundreds of bases is that it believes it can win a nuclear war The coming war with China We are living through a unique juxtaposition of events. A proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and a cold turning ever hotter war with China. Naturally the concern…
Read MoreIsrael’s excuse for attacking Gaza, ‘Self Defence’, is no different from Hitler’s Excuse for Invading Poland – in both cases it was unprovoked
The real reason for the attack on Gaza lies not in immediate events but in the logic of Zionism – ethnic cleansing Last Monday 1st August Israeli soldiers arrested Bassam al-Saadi, a prominent figure in Islamic Jihad in Jenin refugee camp. Failing to provoke a response Israel decided anyway to restrict traffic around Israeli communities adjacent to the Gaza-Israel…
Read MoreBoris Johnson’s Pyrrhic Victory – But the Real Issue is Whether his Attack on the Right to Protest Survives a Change in Prime Minister
It is Doubtful Whether Johnson Will Survive to the End of June but Underlying the Vote Are Political Differences Such as Brexit There is a word for taking delight in someone else’s misfortunes – Schadenfreude. It is difficult to think of a more detestable character than Boris Johnson. A bona fide racist, homophobe, anti-Semite, Zionist, arch imperialist and warmonger, anti-democratic, contemptuous of the…
Read MoreThe Murder of Al Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
The Murder of Al Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh Israeli soldiers pulled the trigger but it is the United States, Britain, France and Germany who are equally culpable Yesterday an ‘elite’ unit of the Israeli Army deliberately and in cold blood murdered Al Jazeera’s Palestinian/American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. The level of outrage over Israel’s…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Nadhim Zahawi – Secretary of State for Hypocrisy & Education – on why he equates support for the Palestinians with ‘anti-Semitism’
Open Letter to Nadhim Zahawi – Secretary of State for Hypocrisy & Education – on why he equates support for the Palestinians with ‘anti-Semitism’ ‘Why is Ukraine’s Resistance to Occupation a Fight for Freedom whereas Palestinian Resistance to Occupation is ‘Terrorism’? It is remarkable that some of the most virulent racists in the government are…
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