EXCLUSIVE – MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE – British State exacts revenge on Socialist Trade Union & Socialist Coalition

The CPS refused ‘in the public interest’ to Prosecute Tory Party in Election Expenses Scandal but TUSC’s Chris Fernandez is Gaoled for 15 months for Trivial Electoral Offence Christopher Fernandez – TUSC election agent gaoled for 16 months by a judiciary and legal system that turns a blind eye to Tory election frauds You may…

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Labour MEPs Join With UKIP, the Front National and assorted Racists and Fascists in opposition to ‘Anti-Semitism’

Open Letter to New Labour’s Anneliese Dodds MEP Does Europe’s Far-Right really opposes racism? In Israel – relationships between Arabs and Jews are condemned by all Zionist parties  It’s not a good idea to underestimate the stupidity of Labour MEPs and what passes for social democracy these days.  However the decision to support the bogus International…

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Miliband’s Labour Seeks the Safety of Consensus Politics

Labour Says Yes to Austerity & Cuts – But They’ll Be Nice Cuts than the Tories In last week’s Brighton Independent I had an article which suggested that Miliband was determined to lose.  Of course he’d like to win but he refuses to break from the consensus behind austerity.  Instead of boldly saying that austerity…

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UK Far-Right Surges to 23%

 As the British National Party Lose their Final Seats  – UKIP – a party of ‘fruit-cakes’ and ‘closet racists’ [Cameron] rises Nigel Farage, the ‘hail fellow well met’ bloke at home with South Coast prejudices about how they should scrap benefits Historically Britain hasn’t had an equivalent of far-right European parties such as the Front…

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