Posts Tagged ‘Tzipi Hotovely’
Stop The Genocide – Stop The Ethnic Cleansing – Stop The Weaponisation Of The Holocaust
Israelis May Fool Themselves Into Thinking They are Fighting Nazis But What They Are Really Fighting is the Victims of Today’s Nazis Please register Nothing was more obscene than the declaration of Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s London Ambassador, that ‘we are fighting the Nazis’. She declared that 600,000 Germans died when Britain bombed Dresden and Hamburg implying that…
Read MoreWomen’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism
Radical feminism gives cover to Israel’s brutal colonial oppression Guest post by Anita Patel Introduction This is a guest post by Anita Patel. It describes the inability of British and Western Feminism to come to terms with imperialist violence and Israeli settler colonialism. Western feminism has been co-opted into supporting imperialism and Islamaphobia in particular. Radical…
Read MoreThe attack on Christian Palestinians as Jerusalem Church leaders warn of “a systematic attempt” to drive out Christianity
The attack on Christian Palestinians as Jerusalem Church leaders warn of “a systematic attempt” to drive out Christianity Xmas in Palestine as Israel bans Pilgrimages but allows Birthright Tours to Enter In 1947 as part of Christian Palestinians Resolution 181 partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, the UN proposed the internationalisation of Jerusalem under…
Read MoreSir Keir Has Just Gone and Confirmed that Labour Party ‘anti-Semitism’ was ALWAYS About Zionism/Israel NEVER About Anti-Semitism
Sir Keir Has Just Gone and Confirmed that Labour Party ‘anti-Semitism’ was ALWAYS About Zionism/Israel NEVER About Anti-Semitism Like most non-Jewish Zionists, Stürmer is not only a Vile Racist he is also Anti-Semitic! Remember when the false ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations first began to emerge in the Labour Party? If you said they were about Israel and…
Read MoreUsing Arabs as Window Dressing for Israeli Apartheid is Standard Hasbara (propaganda)
Tuesday, 14 July 2020 Using Arabs as Window Dressing for Israeli Apartheid is Standard Hasbara (propaganda) As Uncle Tom Diplomat Ishmael Khalidi discovered, being a Collaborator does not make you immune from being beaten up by Israeli Security You have to sympathise. Ishmael Khalidi is Israel’s first Bedouin diplomat. Studying by candlelight in his tent…
Read MoreIsrael’s War on Interracial Relationships and Miscegenation
Israeli Labour’s Former Leader Isaac Herzog Calls Mixed Marriages ‘A Plague’ When confronted with the charge that the IHRA definition prevents criticism of Israeli Apartheid, its defenders point to the preamble which states: ‘criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.’ The problem though is that Israel…
Read MoreIsrael’s Education System Teaches Jewish children to Hate Palestinians
What religious and nationalist indoctrination in schools means for Israel’s future It is a common myth assiduously propagated by Israel’s supporters that whereas Israel inculcates respect in its Education system for Arabs, the same is not true of the Palestinian education system. A typical example is the article by neo-conservative Elliot Abrams for the Council…
Read MoreIsrael/Palestine is already one state –the only people who talk of 2 States are Zionists
The Death of the 2 State Illusion Those Who Support 2 States Support an Apartheid Solution Another brilliant article from Israel’s premier journalist, Gideon Levy. It can only be a matter of time, perhaps when Netanyahu has finally silenced the few remaining NGO’s and human rights organisations that attention will be turned to Levy and…
Read MoreIsrael’s Fascist Right is on the march
The Mainstreaming of Israel’s Alt-Right This is an interesting article by Newsweek of all publications. To listen to the nonsense coming out of racist Labour politicians like Emily Thornberry, Joan Ryan et al, you would think that Israel was the embodiment of western democratic values in the Middle East. The ‘villa in the jungle‘ to…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Joan Ryan Chair of Labour Friends of Israel – MP for Enfield North & Jerusalem Central
Your Attack on Kate Osamor for supporting BDS against Israel is no different from Thatcher’s Opposition to Sanctions on South Africa Kate Osamor comes out in support of BDS Dear Ms Ryan, You recently wrote an Open Letter to Kate Osamor MP. You objected to Kate retweeting a tweet from BDS South Africa. You claimed…
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