Posts Tagged ‘Tzipi Hotoveli’
Google’s Blogspot Censors have Taken Down a 3½ Year Old Post Calling Edward Isaacs, former President of UJS and Chair of Bristol’s J-Soc, a Liar
The Jewish Chronicle Has a New Editor, Daniel Schwammenthal, and it Seems They’ve Realised That a Propaganda Rag Cannot Be a Newspaper
Read MoreXmas Message from Tony Greenstein – Stand Up for Gaza, Stand Against Genocide
As the Starmer Dalek Tells Us ‘To care for one another’ he and Lammy Send More Weapons to Israel to Kill Palestinian Kids
Read MoreOxford Union Bows to Zionist Legal Threats and ‘Edits’ i.e. Censors the Recording of Susan Abulhawa’s Speech
If There’s One Thing that Apologists for Israel’s Genocide Can’t Stand Its Free Speech
Read MoreWhat do you do when you find that a friend has become a racist?
When Jean Calder joined with the supporters of genocide in Gaza to oppose ‘anti-Semitism’, she symbolised the problems of Western feminism Braverman’s dream (& apparently Jean Calder’s) This blog is a follow up to Anita Patel’s Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism. When you’ve been friends with someone for 40 years it comes as a shock…
Read MoreThe Israeli State Is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring and Gaza is Israel’s Warsaw Ghetto
From Ethnic Cleansing to Genocide There Can Be No Solution Until Zionism and the Israeli State are Eradicated From the Face of the Earth Register Here Let me clear before the Zionist howls become deafening. I want the Israeli state to disappear, just like the Nazi and Apartheid State of South Africa disappeared. The…
Read MoreDavid Baddiel Has a Long History of Gaslighting Black and Roma people – Is It Any Surprise that he is Starmer’s Favourite ‘Anti-racist’?
Jews Don’t Count is an Exercise in Special pleading for Jewish Exceptionalism, Jewish Privilege & Jewish Victimhood It says everything about the superficial nature of the mass media that I even have to write this. Baddiel has received massive publicity for Jews Don’t Count, his pathetic plea for Jewish Exceptionalism and for Jews to be recognised as what…
Read MoreWhy does the ‘only democratic state in the Middle East’ (Israel) sends Defence Ministry Agents to Archives in order to brow-beat them into hiding historical documents?
For nearly 20 years Israeli Arabs lived under military rule – not because they were a Fifth Column but to prevent them returning to the land that had stolen been from them Israel is a state that has been built on myths – whether it is that ‘god’ gave the settlers the land of the…
Read MoreWhat is remarkable about Zionism’s claim to the ‘Promised Land’ is how careless they are about preserving its history
The irony of Zionism’s colonisation of Palestine is that it’s the Palestinians who are descended from the original Hebrew tribes When I listen to spokespersons for the settlers, people like Daniella Weiss who claim that God gave the Jews the Land of Israel, that they are merely ‘returning’ home, I can’t help wondering why it is that…
Read MoreHelen Aksentijevic interviews veteran anti-Zionist Moshe Machover, one of the founders of Matzpen, the Socialist Organisation in Israel
Machover looks back on life since his childhood under the Palestine Mandate and describes both his own family and political background There are not many people who can justly be described as legends in their own lifetime but Moshe Machover is one such person. An indefatigable optimist he was the ‘one who got away’. Targeted…
Read MoreDemolishing the Myth that Israel was a Democracy before 1967 and that anti-Arab Racism Began Under Begin and Netanyahu
Demolishing the Myth that Israel was a Democracy before 1967 and that anti-Arab Racism Began Under Begin and Netanyahu There is nothing that Likud has done that the Israeli Labor Party didn’t do before it There is a comforting myth beloved of ‘left’ Zionism that before 1967 and the 6 Days War and Occupation, life…
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