Momentum – Its Time for Jon Lansman to Go

Jon Lansman asks us to ‘understand’ the Nakba – the expulsion of ¾ million Palestinians Palestinian refugees fleeing in 1948 Very little in politics happens for no reason.  When Cameron asks us to help defeat ‘terrorism’ we can be sure that what he really means is surveillance and repression at home [PREVENT] and imperialism abroad. …

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An eye witness report from Turkish Kurdistan

A gripping eye-witness report from Diyarbakir (Amed in Kurdish), the main city of Turkey’s Kurdistan and the terror inflicted by the Turkish state and its dictator Erdogan. As the Kurds provide the main opposition to Isis, Turkey attacks them whilst remaining part of the ‘anti-Isis alliance’ with Britain and the USA. Tony Greenstein  (thanks to…

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Blood on Erdoğan’s hands

The message delivered by the Ankara bombers is that this is just the beginning, writes Esen Uslu Erdogan – Turkey’s Bloody Tyrant & President Who Regime Is Responsible for Bomb in Ankara Killing 100 people – Has Declared War on the Kurds & PKK Turkish State Must Be Held to Account State must be held…

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Turkey – Supporting ISIS and Bombing the Kurds

The United States Gives Turkey Green Light to Attack the Kurdish PKK and PYD In its heyday, Britain was known as Perfidious Albion for its ability to betray allies and friends at a moment notice.  It would seem that the United States has learnt all the dark arts and a few more. Despite the stupidity…

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Pentagon report predicted West’s support for Islamist rebels would create ISIS

Anti-ISIS coalition knowingly sponsored violent extremists to ‘isolate’ Assad, rollback ‘Shia expansion’ Intelligence document More evidence that the rise of ISIS was a direct and conscious result of the West’s desire to overthrow the Assad regime, because it was secular, and its opposition to the Iranian regime, which derives from its support for Assad and …

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Israel’s disaster outreach does little to help its image Spare a thought for Israel’s propagandists.  It costs a pretty penny to send those relief teams across the world.  Their purpose is more to rehabilitate Israel’s image than relieve suffering.  After all if they want to relieve suffering they could stop trying to start wars against…

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