I Have Resigned From Palestine Solidarity Campaign Because It No Longer Opposes Zionism, the Founding Ideology and Movement that created the Israeli State

I Have Resigned From Palestine Solidarity Campaign Because It No Longer Opposes Zionism, the Founding Ideology and Movement that created the Israeli State In Railroading a Constitution Through Its AGM in Less Than an Hour, PSC’s Ruling Clique Demonstrated Their Contempt for the Membership  In my letter of resignation I outline the reasons why Palestine Solidarity Campaign…

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The Academic Union’s Defeat of the Zionist – Last Update UCU

SPECIAL ISSUE CONCERNING FRASER v UCU ‘A Legal and Public Disaster’ – They don’t come stronger than that CONTENTS P1. Ronnie Fraser’s valiant charge. P3. Fraser V University & College Union: A Legal Analysis of the Employment Tribunal’s Judgment P6. Debating BDS: Fraser v UCU P8. It’s about the Palestinians, stupid P9. Three moves to…

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