Posts Tagged ‘Telegraph’
RECORDING of Holocaust Memorial Day Webinar 2025
The Refusal of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to Include the Gaza Genocide in their Festivities Demonstrates that our Rulers Have Learnt Nothing from Auschwitz
Read MoreIf you want to be a football hooligan you should become an Israeli football hooligan – then Israel will compensate you if you get injured
The press & the world’s leaders ignored the racist attacks of Tel Aviv Maccabi Fans & concentrated on the Justified Reaction to these Fascist Thugs When Lies & Disinformation Become the Norm It Means That We Have Entered an Era of Permanent War – What happened in Amsterdam was not a Pogrom but Israeli thugs…
Read MoreBoris Johnson’s Pyrrhic Victory – But the Real Issue is Whether his Attack on the Right to Protest Survives a Change in Prime Minister
It is Doubtful Whether Johnson Will Survive to the End of June but Underlying the Vote Are Political Differences Such as Brexit There is a word for taking delight in someone else’s misfortunes – Schadenfreude. It is difficult to think of a more detestable character than Boris Johnson. A bona fide racist, homophobe, anti-Semite, Zionist, arch imperialist and warmonger, anti-democratic, contemptuous of the…
Read MoreSt Mungo’s Strikers Need Your Support in their Battle against a Dickensian Employer
St Mungo’s Strikers Need Your Support in their Battle against a Dickensian Employer What Kind of Homeless Charity is it which Works with the Home Office to Deport Homeless Migrants? Step Forward Howard Sinclair – their £160,000 union busting CEO Today saw the first of a 3 day strike by Unite workers at St Mungo’s, Britain’s…
Read MoreDon’t Ever Underestimate the Stupidity of McNicol’s Witch-hunters
Another Fine Mess Iain McNicol –v- Tony Greenstein another fine mess Having done his best to lose Labour the General Electon ‘gormless’ McNicol pursues a Witchhunt in his own shambolic way Bogus letter that McNicol’s legal team relied on Actual letter sent to Tony Greenstein with bundle of documents As people should be aware, I…
Read MoreIt’s time for Iain McNicol, Labour’s Crooked General Secretary, to depart
McNicol – Disloyal, Deceptive and Dishonest Deliberate deception and disloyalty from Iain McNicol One of the key lessons that Tony Benn learnt from his time in government was the need for Ministers to control their civil servants. It is elected politicians who should make political decisions not an unelected civil service. It is a lesson…
Read MoreIsraeli Policy is to wait for the remaining Holocaust survivors to die
Elderly holocaust survivors amongst poorest in Israel Israel can afford billions of dollars for nuclear weapons and arms. Missiles to bomb Gaza are never in short supply. The holocaust is a convenient weapon to be employed as a justification for Israel’s barbaric policies towards the Palestinians . Money for settlements is no problem but when…
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