Israel’s Lies and Deceptions over the Assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh are not Fooling Anyone

First CNN and then the Washington Post have conducted investigations which contradict Israel’s ‘explanation’ that she was killed by a Palestinian gunman Israel has conducted extra-judicial executions throughout the Occupation of Palestine and it has never hesitated to murder its political opponents, be they in Palestine or, as in the case of Ghassan Kanfani, in…

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Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians

Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians  The Contrast Between the BBC’s Treatment of Russia’s Banning of Memorial Whilst Ignoring Israel’s Banning of Six Palestinian Human Rights Groups is Striking I was watching the midnight edition of BBC News 24. The top story was…

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George Habash – Founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – a Hebrew Biography

Gideon Levy Reviews Eli Galia’s Biography of Habash which makes it clear that the Leftist Leader was right George Habash speaking in Beirut, 1979. AP  Although Zionist apologists and Israeli propaganda (hasbara) make hypocritical attacks on Hamas, Hezbollah and ‘Islamic extremism’ Zionism has always considered its main enemy to be secular and in particular left-wing…

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The Cowardice of Gregor Gysi – Die Linke and its Stalinist Leader, Gregor Gysi, Scab on the Palestinians

Out of Guilt for the Sins of the German Political Establishment Gregor Gysi Attacks Israeli anti-Zionists Max Blumenthall and David Sheen as ‘anti-Semitic’ Gysi – Stalinist Leader of Die Linke Scabs on Palestinians and Israeli anti-Zionists Gregor Gysis, the joint leader of German left party Die Linke, has adopted the mainstream view that opposition to…

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