Differential Justice for Arabs and Israeli Jews

Imprisoned for racial incitement on Facebook? Only if you’re an Arab Omar Shalabi, the secretary general of Fatah’s Jerusalem branch to nine months in prison for using his personal Facebook account to incite violence and support terrorism against Israeli civilians. One of the most popular slogans of Israeli propaganda is the claim that ‘Israel is…

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Hotoveli – Israel’s new Acting Foreign Minister and Supporter of Racial Hygiene

Tzipi Hotoveli – Israel’s new religious Zionist Deputy Foreign Minister Racial hygiene under another name – for Hotoveli it is another holocaust  Israeli Government Attacks the Messenger It was of course utterly predictable.  How does the Acting Foreign Minister, the religious nutcase Tzipi Hotovely, defend the most moral occupation the world has ever seen?  By…

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Israel’s War Crimes Against Children

UN battle to ‘shame’ Israel over abuse of children 5 May 2015 Attack on Gaza last year raises pressure on Ban Ki-moon to put Israeli army on same list as Islamic State and Taliban Middle East Eye – 5 June 2015 Palestinian solidarity groups have taken to social media to step up the pressure on…

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Statistics of Attacks on Basic Service Facilities

Israel’s war against civilians – a war crime The statistics below are proof, if any were needed, that Israel’s assault on Gaza has nothing to do with ‘rockets’ or ‘self-defence’.  It is a calculated assault on the civilians of Gaza. Al Quds hospital struck by white phosphorous  It is the civilians who are blamed for…

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Israel’s Changing Lies for its War on Gaza

But what are Israel’s objectives? The question is whether the Israeli State has any objectives other than perpetuating the misery of the Palestinians of Gaza and given vent to its own bloodlust.  It appears to be destruction and murder for its own sake.  See this excellent video.

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Gaza War Tourism

Keren Levy: I’m a little bit fascist ‘Yes I think they should just clear off all the cities, yes take it off the ground, yes I’m a little bit fascist.’   This is the atmosphere in Israel today.  Imagine – well heeled Israelis, drinking  coffees and iced drinks, bringing sofas and popcorn so they can…

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The Killing of Palestinian and Israeli Teenagers Demonstrates The Difference Between The Treatment of Palestinian and Jewish Life

The Killing of Israeli Teenagers is Political, the Killing of Palestinian Teenager is Criminal The difference between the treatment of the killing of a Palestinian teenager and the three Israeli teenagers says everything you need to know about Israeli indifference to Palestinian life.  The unspoken message if ‘they’  love death, we love life.  racism as…

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