Posts Tagged ‘Moshe Machover’
Open Letter to Jenny Formby of UNITE – Prospective General Secretary of The Labour Party
The Time has come to End the False Anti-Semitism Witch-hunt – Appeasement of Racists merely encourages them Jenny Formby – Labour’s next General Secretary – will she continue with the McNicol regime? No tears will be shed for the disappearance of Crooked McNicol Dear Jenny, I read today that you are set to become Labour’s…
Read MoreHaim Hanegbi – Founder of Matzpen – An Appreciation
Obituary in today’s Ha’aretz from Matzpen Hebrew translation of Ha’aretz advert Haim Hanegbi, a founder of the Israeli Socialist Organisation (Matzpen) died on March 2nd 2018. Below is the paid advert and the translations thereof in Ha’aretz newspaper. Also I copy below an obituary of Haim by Ahmad Jaradat of the Alternative Information Centre and…
Read MoreThe Holocaust Lies of Gilad Atzmon the anti-Semitic Jazzman
Why Atzmon plays fast and loose with Truth, History and Integrity For those who want an acquaintance with Atzmon, you could do worse than consult my (now out of date) Guide to the Sayings of Gilad Atzmon. Atzmon it should be explained was a famous jazz musician, having won the BBC jazz record of the year…
Read MoreMoshe Machover on What is Zionism and why the accusation that Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism is a lie
Falsely accused of anti-Semitism Professor Moshe Machover very kindly agreed to provide expert witness testimony to my Expulsion Hearing before Labour’s National Constitutional Committee. Moshé was himself ‘autoexcluded’ from the Labour Party at the beginning of October 2017. Because of the outrage this caused in the Labour Movement, Moshe was quickly reinstated. It’s purpose is…
Read MoreThe IHRA Definition of Antisemitism is an Exercise in Political Fraud
Theresa May’s antisemitism fraud Conflating and confusing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is the key to the defence of Israel Theresa May has demonstrated total support for Zionism and Israel – this is perfectly compatible with her support for supplying the Saudis with weaponry in order to perpetrate war crimes in the Yemen. That makes May also…
Read MoreA Comedy of Errors from the Jewish Chronicle – Marcus Dysch in Another Fine Mess
Jewish Chronicle Report of Labour Against the Witch-hunt takes Fake News to Trump Levels Dysch is a Zionist clown who confuses Moshe Machover with me – but at least he got Jackie Walker right! The Jewish Chronicle under Stephen Pollard, a former editor of the Daily Express, has been the main vehicle spearheading the fake…
Read MoreDecisive Victory as Labour Against the Witchhunt Meeting Excludes Socialist Fight
Anti-Semitic Group Told They Are Not Welcome The Independent’s coverage of the LAW meeting, which was extremely inaccurate, led to its cancellation After publicity in The Independent and the Tory Guido Fawkes blog, the landlord of the pub where we were supposed to meet, the Calthorpe Arms, cancelled the meeting. So we had to quickly…
Read MoreVICTORY – High Court Injunction Granted Against Ian McNicol for Breach of Contract and Unfairness
McNicol’s Puppets waste £10,000 of Member’s Money – How Long is Momentum and Lansman going to remain silent? On November 2nd whilst recovering from surgery in hospital, I received an email from Jane Shaw, Secretary to Labour’s nominally independent National Constitutional Committee, which is still controlled by the Progress Right, informing me that I was…
Read MoreA Crowdfunding Appeal to sue the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism for Defamation
Please Contribute to the Legal Appeal to Help Iain McNicol understand the meaning of Natural Justice As readers of this blog know, the Right and the Zionists are determined to expel me and others from the Labour Party on trumped-up charges of ‘anti-Semitism’. Natural Justice Goes Out the Door as Labour’s Expulsion Circus Rolls On. …
Read MoreNatural Justice Goes Out the Door as Labour’s Expulsion Circus Rolls On
Labour’s National Executive Committee is Struck Dumb – not least its left wing members Stop the witch-hunt of socialists in the Labour Party – let’s turn our fire on the Right On 30th June Shami Chakrabarti produced a Report on Racism. It has now been taken down on the orders of Labour’s General Secretary Iain…
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