Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain Justifying Zionism’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative?

At a time of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza the Communist Party of Britain is Holding a Seminar ‘Understanding Anti-Semitism’s ‘Contested’ Relationship to Anti-Zionism’ [This article also appears in this week’s Weekly Worker as Distracting from genocide] ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been the weapon that Zionism has deployed to defend genocide in Gaza. It is not…

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Labour In Exile Network Conference – This Saturday February 27th

Labour In Exile Network Conference – This Saturday February 27th  Momentum/Arise Zoom Rallies and Warm Words are No Substitute for Collective Organisation and a Joint Left Strategy Register here to join the conference  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclcOmgrzotHNazrRgZlai8FBsp73Bf9Mrl To Connect with the Facebook Group click here The decision of Starmer’s Regional Mafia to bar the 3 women on the shortlist for Liverpool…

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Duff by name and Duff by nature –The Editor of the ‘i’ is a Good Example of how the Press Prostitutes itself to the Establishment

The ‘i’ refuses to allow responses to Superficial Simon Kelner or Dishonest Ian Birrell –  When it comes to ‘anti-Semitism’ the ‘i’ clings to the tabloid/BBC narrative   On its masthead the ‘i’ boasts that it is ‘Quality, Concise – the Future of Independent Journalism’.  If true then the British press does not have a…

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Victory in Glasgow as Racist COFIS Kept Off Anti-Racist March

The Shame of the SWP/SUTR as they accept the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative A replica of the Apartheid Wall was used to keep the racist COFIS away from an anti-racist march Despite attempted obstruction from the march stewards Mick Napier of Scottish PSC captures what happened Yesterday in Glasgow, despite the best attempts of the SWP/Stand…

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Ken Livingstone’s Fainthearted Friends at the Morning Star, Socialist Worker & the Jewish Socialists Group

Lansman & Owen Jones Attacks on Livingstone Only Helps Tom Watson The Right has begun to smell blood.  Corbyn was himself originally accused of anti-Semitism by consorting with holocaust deniers such as Paul Eisen.  He has been under attack by the Zionist lobby since day one.  See for example Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘long-standing links’ with notorious…

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