Momentum’s Refusal to Support Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi for Labour’s NEC was Not About Trans-rights but Zionism & Palestinian Rights

 If the Labour Left is to have any future it must first strangle Lansman’s Bastard Offspring If there is one group, above all others, which bears responsibility for the defeat of the Corbyn project it is Momentum.  As the Al Jazeera programme, The Labour Files Parts 1, 2 and 3, make clear the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ in the Labour Party was entirely bogus,…

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How Trans Nazis Targeted A Jewish Anti-Zionist Candidate for Labour’s National Executive Committee with their demands for a Loyalty Oath

 Since when is the Mantra that a Transwoman is a Woman the Litmus Test for Who to Support on the Left? Firstly to avoid any misrepresentation my reference to ‘trans Nazis’ is to be taken in the same way as references to ‘food Nazis’ which the Urban Dictionary defines as someone ‘who insists on dictating what others should…

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