The Media Blackout on Al Jazeera’s Labour Files Says Everything About Britain’s ‘free press’

The Labour Files is Janus Faced – its revelations about Starmer’s Police State of a Party contradict the lie that Labour had an anti-Semitism problem The Labour Files – Part 1:The Purge The Labour Files – Part 2: The Crisis The Labour Files – Part 3: The Hierarchy The Labour Files – Part 4: The Spying Game Introduction to the…

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Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians

Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent, on the BBC’s Wilful Distortion and Manipulation of News About Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinians  The Contrast Between the BBC’s Treatment of Russia’s Banning of Memorial Whilst Ignoring Israel’s Banning of Six Palestinian Human Rights Groups is Striking I was watching the midnight edition of BBC News 24. The top story was…

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Prevent – Preventing Free Thought and Freedom of Speech

Yet another example under the Prevent ‘anti-terrorism’ programme of how a school student whose only crime is supporting the Palestinians is hauled in to face an interview with the counter-terrorist police. Can there be any doubt that Prevent has nothing to do with ‘terrorism’ and everything to do with creating a climate of fear in…

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UK Far-Right Surges to 23%

 As the British National Party Lose their Final Seats  – UKIP – a party of ‘fruit-cakes’ and ‘closet racists’ [Cameron] rises Nigel Farage, the ‘hail fellow well met’ bloke at home with South Coast prejudices about how they should scrap benefits Historically Britain hasn’t had an equivalent of far-right European parties such as the Front…

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